
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I've Got the Writer's Block Today!

It's heck not to know what to say!
Hiya, Friends!  Well, I'm having a little trouble getting started on what to talk to you about today.  Usually it just pours right outta me, what to talk about with you, but today, I'm all flibbertygibbleted, and nothing's coming to mind.  I don't want to waste your time, but you're here, and I'm here, and I might as well come up with something to say, don't you think?

I've asked Mommy what I should do when I don't know what to write about, and she says I should go do something else, like vacuum the floor or do some dusting or fold some laundry.  I said I was too little to do those things, so here we are.

Personally, between you and me, Friends, I think Mommy's trying to skive off some of her chores onto me.  This thing about doing something else, especially something chorey, is all a myth!

I know! I'll play you 'Kitten on the Keys' on my imaginary piano!
I don't know, though. Maybe she's onto something about doing something else, going in a different direction, if it feels like this road's blocked for today.  For instance, I've just recently taken up playing the Imaginary Piano, and I've found that it really has helped me out of many a jelly of a creative jam, just in this short interval of time!  I get blocked on what I'm supposed to be doing, and I just sit down and play my Imaginary Piano, and everything's all right with the world. 

Plus, it makes me feel good, because I'm really good at playing the Imaginary Piano!  You wouldn't believe it! I never hit the wrong notes, I never play too loudly or too softly- always just at the right volume!  The Imaginary Piano's never out of tune, and I don't have to dust the Imaginary Piano!   It's a pretty great investment!

I bet you could do the same thing with Imaginary Drums or an Imaginary Horn, too!  I plan to pick up both, before too awful long.  Diversify my skills and all.  It's important, in this economy, to be good at a buncha things, don't you think, Big People?

Well, look at that!  I DID find something to talk to you about, after all!  I'm so glad!  And hey, maybe one of these days, we can all get together with our Imaginary Instruments, and whip ourselves up an Imaginary Symphony!  Don't you think that'd be just about the most fun ever? 

I'll see ya tomorrow, Big People!  Hopefully I'll have played my way out of this Writer's Block!  But I always love you!  Muah!

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