
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Working for the Weekend!

 Hiya, Friends!  Zoe here!  Let me tell you about how my weekend's been going!  Boy, has it ever been a busy one!
Boy, I've had a doozy of a day!
We started out Friday night with going to the carpet store and looking at carpets.  Mommy and Daddy decided that it was either carpet a coupla rooms in the house, or put down those interlocking foam mats everywhere, so the carpeting won out.  Apparently, they're worried about me bonking my head on the hardwood.

I've gotta tell you, when I was down to Aunt Colleen and Uncle Lorentz's, I did enjoy their carpet.  It was pretty nice.  Cushy.  I even curled up on it and fell asleep one of the days.  So I'm excited about this development at my house!

Rozzie wasn't so thrilled.  She says she's afraid of getting carpet burn on her hiney, since that's how she shooshels around, by dragging her butt on the floor.  She says it's a lot nicer for her to be able to glide her glutes around on the smooth floor.  But Mommy and Daddy thought of her, too!  They're leaving a lot of the house uncarpeted.  So Rozzie and glide her glutes around on the wood floor and the tile, but when she's tired of glute-gliding, she can curl up with me on the carpeting.  It's a win-win, really.

Nobody move!  I've lost my contact lens!

Then, you'll never guess how we spent my Saturday.  We finally got my bedroom closet all cleaned out!  I've been waiting my whole life to be able to use that nice closet in my bedroom, and until today, it was full of Mommy's stuff! Well, now it has my things in it!  I'm so excited.  I talked about this over on the FaceBook, but now that it's all done and finished, and I've seen it, I think I'm really going to have to insist that Daddy install a disco ball for me in my closet.  When the monsters who hide in closets get a load of my closet, they're going to want to party in there, and I want to be ready.  Disco ball, donut bar, maybe some fancy lights that change colors.  I want to do it up right!  Make my closet the premier destination for monsters to see and be seen at!
I'm thinking of the disco ball I'm gonna get for my new closet!

Isn't it funny how doing something as minor (in the grand scheme of things) as getting your closet all organized can really renew your spirit and put a new spring in your step?  I think it's funny.  And cool!  I can't tell you how much this makes me feel like a Big Girl.  Until now, all my things have been stuffed into my dresser drawers, and it's been fine, because I haven't known any other way, but now I have a Closet of my Very Own.  Wow!  You know what I'm gonna do, before I even get the disco ball.  I'm gonna have a party with me and the Little Giraffes of the Wild Steppes of North Bingham.  They'll love it!

I hope that if there's something you can do to put a new spring in your step, Friends, that you do it.  Whatever it is.  Whether you need to spruce up your closet like I did, or maybe get a new air freshener for your automobile or something... I hope you do it, so you can feel as good as I do!

I'd better get out my party planning kit, and find the foam-core so I can make my party planning storyboards.  I don't like to leave anything to chance.  Mmmmmmmkay, Big People!  I'll catch ya tomorrow!

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