I've always wanted to just get together with my friends for coffee! |
Hiya, Friends! Well, you know what? For my whole entire life, something I've always wanted to do is have a coffee klatsch with all my friends, but the thing is, everybody's so far-flung that it's hard to get together, especially just for some coffee and socializing.
That's where the magic of the Internet comes in, Big People! All's you've got to do is grab up a hot beverage of your choosing- just 'cause it's a coffee klatsch doesn't mean you've gotta drink coffee. You can have tea, or chai, or hot cocoa, or even bouillon-cube water if you wanna. Heck! I won't judge! So grab up your hot beverage and a snack, and sit down and hobnob with your pal Zoe.
Ooh! Whatchoo drinkin'? Is that a cappuccino? It looks good! |
Now, I'm kinda new at this whole socializing thing, and since we're relying on the Internet, you could be here, socializing, and I could be taking a nap in real-time. Yeah, I'm still saddled with the burden of a nap every day in the afternoon. Thing is, Mommy's let me go without a nap a coupla days before, and I'll tell ya what, it just makes me feel like I've been run over by a Smart Car. You know. Not wiped all the way off the planet like if a minivan or a Mack Truck hitcha, but feeling uncomfortable and annoyed, and kind of testy, just like you'd feel if some clown driving a Smart Car ran into ya.
Those Smart Cars. They're just weird.
Anyway, back to my point. I'm new at this socializing, and right now, I'm the only one who's really here, so I'll just go ahead and take the conversation by the horns, mmmmkay, Friends? If you'd like to talk about anything with me, you can leave me a comment. That'd be fun!
Well, yes, I do drink right from the pot. Why dirty a mug? |
So I guess where I'd like to start is things I've been reading lately. I've read all the Five Little Monkeys books that I have, at least a dozen times apiece. And I like the Curious George about the ice cream shop. Aunt Colleen got me that, on account of us both liking ice cream. And I've been readin' the dictionary.
Don't look at me all weird like I'm a weird nerd! Readin' the dictionary is a really good thing to do, to learn new words and also to get new ideas! That's how I found out about coffee klatsches and got the idea to throw one! How about that? And I'm just new at this language thing, but I think it's a lot like investing. You know how when you invest, the earlier you start and the more money you put in, the better off you'll be?
Oops. Time for a refill! I need to drink out of a bigger pot! |
Well, that's what I'm doing with words and reading the dictionary. I'm collecting those words like they're money, and putting them in my memory up in my head, and by the time I go to school, I'll have a nice little nest egg of words I can use to wow my classmates and teachers on comprehension worksheets and essay tests!
Not to mention I ought to be wicked on the Scrabble Circuit by the second grade!
So that's my thing lately, Friends. Learnin' new words, forming new ideas. I can't complain. I submitted my request for a crab tank for my room yesterday, but the system bounced it back because I filled out the request form in duplicate, and Mommy requires all requests to be filled out in triplicate, so I've gotta start all over again, but it'll be okay. I know I'm gonna come out on top in the end. I'll be so convincing in triplicate with my request that Mommy will have no choice but to say yes to my proposal to adopt a crab and name him Kingston and keep him as a pet in my room. Perseverance pays off!
Speaking of filling things out in triplicate, I'd better check up on the status of my request for a disco ball, I submitted it months ago, and I should have heard back with an answer by now. I'll hafta check my calendar, because after ninety days, if I haven't gotten an answer on a request, I've gotta start all over again, requesting in triplicate. It's better to just take the initiative and do it without being asked, because sometimes, if you draw attention to not hearing an answer on your request, they remember they've seen it before, where if you just send in a new request in triplicate, they probably don't remember getting the first one, and since it's a new day and all, they might look at your second request in triplicate as though it's the first time they're seeing it, and they might just approve it. That's the game I've been playing for most of my life, about requesting that disco ball. One of these days, it's gonna work.
Well, it seems I've got my work cut out for me, Friends, so I'm gonna go, but if you're just now sitting down to your hot beverage and a snack, and you wanna talk to me about something, leave me a comment! I read 'em all! I really do!
And I love ya, Friends! Muah!