I've experienced the magic of the Christmas Season! |
Hiya, Big People! Happy Monday. Or more to the point, Happy Monday after Thanksgiving to you! Here in Pennsylvania, some of the schools are out because it's the first day of hunting season. Mommy says that when I'm big enough and am off school, we might go shopping on Deer Season Day, if they still give it as vacation by then, because she says hunting for bargains at the mall is more fun and warmer than hunting for poor deer in the woods, and I believe her! I really do!
I'm samplin' some COOKIES for the Christmas Season! |
It's pretty magical, what's happened up here on the hill in the Bing. On Thursday, it was warm and sunny and you could see the grass on the ground, and then it got cold the day after Thanksgiving, and over the weekend, it snowed! It looks like a Frosted Mini-Wheat outside the window. There's a song that it's a marshmallow world in the winter, but right now, it's just a Frosted Mini-Wheat world outside. Anyway, I understand that the Christmas Season kicks off on the Day After Thanksgiving, and I just thought it was so cool that all that snow magically appeared when it was the Christmas Season!
You know what doesn't just magically appear during the Christmas Season? Our tree, all decorated up. Apparently we hafta do that, and Mommy's been griping about it all weekend long. You ought to hear her. 'Gripe, gripe, gripety-gripety-gripety, gripe!' All about putting up and decorating our Christmas tree!
I said, "Mommy, why don't we just go out and cut down a Christmas tree from outside and decorate it up!" And she grumbled that we can't have a tree cut down from outside, because the pine makes it hard for her to breathe and makes welts break out on her arms, and I said, "Well, that's just ridiculous!"
When that tree's up, I'm gonna climb it! |
We HAVE a Christmas tree, right up in the attic, I guess. But Mommy has to bring it down, and put the lights on, and then put on decorations, but not glass ones, because I'm little, she says, and I might drop a glass ball on the floor and break it, or try eating the ornaments... what does Mommy think I am, a baby? But okay, no glass ornaments this year. That's fine!
I do think it's a little weird that we cut down trees from the outside and stick lights and ornaments on, or we bring trees down from our attics and stick lights and ornaments on. You Big People have some weird holiday traditions. But I'm here, and I'll go along with it. And I remember our Christmas tree from last year, and it did kind of dress up our living room. Made it feel ritzy and cozy.
You know what I'm gonna do, Friends, after we get that tree all put up today, and we get all the ritz on it? I'm gonna try climbing up to the very tippy-top! That's what I'm gonna do!
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