
Friday, January 4, 2013

Thank you, Alexander Graham Cracker Bell!

Hiya, Friends!  I'm on the phone!
Friends.  Guess what.  I love the telephone.  You know why?  Every day at lunchtime, and every evening before he comes home, my Daddy calls me on the telephone.  I can hear his voice, and everything!

It made me wonder where the telephone came from.  Who invented it?  When?  I mean, the telephone has always been around, my whole entire life, but it had to come from somewhere, didn't it?

Well, I got on the Internet, because as you know, the Internet knows everything, and I did some research.  As it turns out, the telephone was invented all the way back in 1875!  That's before my house was built!

And the fellow that invented the telephone was named Alexander Graham Cracker Bell!  How about that!  You know what?  Besides the telephone, I love graham crackers, too!
I make Big Deals on the phone!

I wonder if Alexander Graham Cracker Bell invented graham crackers, too, along with the telephone, or if it was an ancestor of his, for whom he's named.  I didn't think to look that up while I was doing my research on the telephone.  Friends, have you ever had graham crackers with icing on them?  They're good.  Mmmm!

What's that?  I'm supposed to be telling you all about the telephone?  You're right.  I apologize!

Back in the day, early telephones were shaped like candlesticks.  They didn't have dials.  You had to jiggle the thing the earpiece hangs on, and then you'd talk to your operator, Sarah.  All telephone operators were named Sarah back in the day.  It simplified things.  And you'd say, "Sarah, how are you today?  It's Flossie!  I'd like to speak to Sam, down at the butcher's, please!" And Sarah would connect you on her switchboard.  How about that?

Telephones are magical!
 Then they started putting dials on the telephones, and phone numbers were letters AND numbers, like KL6500 and the like.  Then it got so people could dial their own telephone numbers, and the Sarahs started memorizing telephone books so that people could call up and ask them what somebody's telephone number is.  It's a capacity that the Sarahs fill to this day, if you dial 4-1-1.  It's for information!

But not all the Sarahs are named Sarah anymore.  They can be named whatever they're named, but if you need to speak to a telephone operator, still be courteous to her, just like she's Sarah from the olden days.  It's just good policy!

As for me, I love my cordless telephone.  I can walk around and talk on it.  I can carry around my play vegetables from one end of my office to the other.  I can stack the rings on my sorting spindle, all while talking on my cordless telephone.  It's so much fun, when the telephone rings, and I hear a friendly voice coming through the speaker.

Telephones are a pretty great invention.  Now if only my friends could send me graham crackers right through Alexander Graham Cracker Bell's invention, that would just be the best! Hahaha! 

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