
Saturday, November 28, 2015

I Got All The Way to the Mall and...

Oh, good grief, I'm at the wrong mall!
Oh, Friends, what a day, WHAT A DAY!!! 

I decided to see what all the fuss about Black Friday shoppin' is all about and arranged to meet up with my other Little Kid Friends at the Mall.

I hopped in my Fancy Orange Convertible and ventured out to the Mall.  It was a really nice drive.  I put on the musics I like to listen to, and drove on the highway.  I've gotta say, as a highway driver, I'm pretty courteous.  I move over so other cars can merge in, I drive at a reasonable speed, and when it's my turn to use the on-ramp to merge into traffic, I do so with a quiet confidence.  Zoom! And away I go!

Needless to say, it's a pretty long drive to the Mall, but also needless to say, I make the best of long drives!

Well, here's what happened.  I got all the way to the Mall, and parked my fabulous orange convertible car at the Main Entrance parking lot, section A4, to be exact, because that's where my Little Kid Friends and I agreed to park, and...

My Little Kid Friends were nowhere to be found! 

Just about when I was startin' to panic, my cellular telephone rang.  It was my Little Kid Friends.  As it turns out, they were at another Mall, in the Main Entrance parking lot, section A4, and there was no me to be found...

I had driven all that way to the wrong mall, which was coincidentally two hours in the opposite direction from my house from the mall where my Little Kid Friends were waiting for me!  I coulda driven up to meet them, or they coulda driven over to meet me, but it woulda wasted even more of the whole day.

So they went shoppin' at the Mall where they met up, and I went shoppin' at the Mall where I ended up, and we sent each other pictures of the things we were shoppin' for.

And then I made some new Little Kid Friends outta the kids that were at the Mall I drove to.

You'd be surprised how many of us were supposed to be meetin' friends at The Mall, only to find we'd driven to the wrong Mall.  Isn't that something?!

There's always a bright side, Friendskies!  I'll see ya tomorrow! 
I love ya lots!  Muah!

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