
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Winter's Coming...

I hate to be the one to bring this up, but...
Heya, Friends!  I know nobody likes to think about it, but Winter will be here soon.  There's even a whole show on TV that warns 'Winter's Coming...' and it's all ominous and such, but I bet if those people had cold-weather gear like we have today, they'd be like 'Wahoo!  Winter's coming!  Where's my toboggan -n- snow skis?!'

Speaking of, I've recently come into a brand spankin' new winter ensemble.  My rookie year, I didn't need a coat so much, because I rode around in my Space Capsule and had a cozy that covered me right up.  Man, that Space Capsule was GREAT!  It had a hard shell that made me feel safe inside it, and the inside was all cushy, and there was a handle, so my Big People could carry me around!  Aw, man, was that Space Capsule ever great!  I was really sorry to outgrow that!

...Winter's Comin'....
But outgrowing the Space Capsule meant I got to get new winter duds, and I went around in a fleecy polar bear outfit, or the "Zolar Bear," as it was affectionately called around here.  I'm not sure but what the Zolar Bear will still fit me for chilly days when I need a little something, to keep me warm.  I'll hafta see.  All's I know is that Mommy said that now that I'm a Walker, and I walk places, I need something to keep me a little warmer.

So I got a Purple Eskimo Coat!  And silver snow-pants!  It's really a snappy combination, Friends!  It really is!  It has a hood I can pull up or push down.  It's faux-fur-trimmed.  It has a neato patch on the arm.  There's lotsa pockets for me to hide treasures in!  And it's really warm! 

I'm ready for it, though, Friends.  Are you?
Right now, it fits me in three-quarter-length.  I guess I'm gonna get taller over the next coupla years, so it'll eventually fit me more like a parka, but for right now, I have myself a nifty and super-warm car coat!  It makes me feel all fancy, all Fifth Avenue!

Now, in the pictures, you'll see I'm still wearin' my rainbow sandals.  I think they go with my new coat great, but Mommy says I'll have toecicles if I wear those sandals in the winter.  So I picked out a pair of boots to wear in the snow and cold and slush.  They're cute like armadillos are cute, in that their primary mission isn't so much to be cute, as it is to keep my feet warm and dry.  I respect 'em for that.  They're not the flashiest shoes I have on my shoe tree, but they'll sure get the job done come Winter!

I hafta admit, I'm a little excited for the cold weather, Friends, so I can try out my new duds!  But don't worry.  I'll keep my enthusiasm in check during these wonderful fall months!  I promise I will!  Take each season in its time, is what I've decided I'm always gonna say, and that's what I'm gonna do! 

I think you oughtta go out and get yourself something new for the cooler weather, though, Friends!  Maybe a new hat, or scarf, or a rad pair of gloves.  It'll make Winter seem a little more exciting, and a little less 'blah!'

Whatever you decide to do, Friends, I love ya!  Enjoy TODAY!  Muah!

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