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I met up with my friend Nora, a big Little Giraffe, at the mall! |
You see, I identify myself as a Tiger Baby, and as such, I'm pretty ferocious. I met a Little Giraffe named Sophie, and I thought she was a chewie toy! Boy, was that a faux pas. Sophie the Little Giraffe set this Tiger Baby straight and taught me that I should be friends with Little Giraffes, not try to gnaw on them! See, because the Little Giraffes are so small, and their legs are so short, they can't run as fast as Tiger Babies can crawl, and they can't really defend themselves, because when they kick, it feels like tickly kisses, so their natural predators don't feel threatened by tickly kisses and aren't deterred by the kicks of the Little Giraffes. And the Little Giraffes really suffer when they get gnawed on and used as chewie toys. Besides the fact that they're being chewed on, it's humiliating for them to go home after being mauled by a Tiger Baby, and having all that slobber on them. It's not like their families shun them, but it does make things awkward, and they have to take an extra shower if they get mauled.
Sophie the Little Giraffe explained all of this to me, and when she asked me if I'd help her out, getting the word out to other Tiger Babies and Big People about the plight of the poor Little Giraffes everywhere, but especially on the Wild Steppes of Bingham, I said, 'Yeah!'
Now I work very hard to tell everybody I know to be nice to the Little Giraffes, and not to gnaw on them. Not even a little. They don't like it, and it's my mission to get the word out. My work has enabled me to meet a lot of Little Giraffes, and to listen to their stories, and further the help for their desperate, desperate plight. I love my work, and I really feel like it's just an amazing calling for me. It really is. Life-changing.
And, I get to go to the Little Giraffe Conventions and Symposiums and Jamborees... You have not been to a Jamboree until you've attended a Little Giraffe Jamboree! And one time, at this one Convention and Symposium, it was at a hotel with a swim-up donut bar! It was the best day ever. Because besides my tireless work with the Little Giraffes of the Wild Steppes of the Greater Bingham Area, my other two great loves in life are swimming and donuts, and this convention brought all my passions together in one place! It was great!
The big Little Giraffe in the picture with me and Mommy is my friend Nora. I met her at the last Convention and Symposium I attended on behalf of the Tiger Babies. She talked about how we shouldn't feel bad about our necks. I guess giraffes are kind of sensitive about their necks, and as a Tiger Baby ambassador, she says I'm not to feel bad about my neck, either, so I'm not going to feel bad. There really isn't any point in feeling bad about stuff, especially the stuff we can't do anything about. That's what I learn from the Little Giraffes. That, and if there's stuff we'd normally feel bad about, we need to just change it. Don't feel bad about the stuff you can't do anything about, but work to change the things you can, so you don't have to feel bad. That's the message of the Little Giraffes. What a message!
Those Little Giraffes are really inspiring. They really are. My hope for all my friends is that you all get to meet Little Giraffes, so you can be as inspired as I am by them.
And remember, if you run into a Little Giraffe anywhere, don't gnaw on them. Not even a little. They don't like it.
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