Christmas: that was fun, but now it's done! |
Well, hi there, Big People! Happy Friday to ya!
Yes, that's the Christmas tree you see a little bit of, in the picture behind me. Don't worry. I haven't time-warped back to Christmas, and my tree isn't still up. No, we took that down in a timely fashion. It's just that my pictures are sometimes a few weeks behind. That isn't important. What's important is that they get to you!
It got me to wondering, though, what would happen if I did convince Mommy and Daddy to let me leave the tree up all year long. I mean, out in Nature, there's pine trees out all the time, not just in December. For example, there's a whole line of giant ones, right outside my house!
Right off the toppa my head, it seemed like it'd be spectacular to get to leave the tree up, all year. I had a whole plan, and everything. I'd take off all the Christmas decorations, right after Christmas, and replace 'em with lace and red and pink hearts for Valentine's, and then after that, take all that stuff off and put on rainbow garland and shamrock-shaped ornaments and little pots-o-gold for St. Patrick's Day. And then in a quick turnaround, since Easter's early this year, I'd take off all the St. Patrick's Day decorations and put up pastel Easter egg ornaments for the coupla weeks until Easter.
I wasn't sure where I'd go, decoration-wise after Easter. I mean, I coulda probably festooned the tree in red, white, and blue for Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, but then after the Fourth, things are pretty quiet, holiday decoratin'-wise until Halloween, and the O'Lanterns have told me that they don't want the Christmas tree hornin' in on Halloween turf.
But then I got to thinking... somewhere along in that time-frame, I'd hafta devise a way to dust off the tree. Dust is everywhere, and it collects on surfaces. It collects on the tree surfaces, too, but it gets shaken off in the takin' down and puttin' up the tree experiences throughout the Christmas season. But that's a lotta surface for dust to collect on. When I really think about it, Friends, a Christmas tree is like one of those Swiffer 360 Dusters that I'm allowed to use to dust underneath the television set and in other small places where dust gets. Except you throw out those Swiffer 360s when they're fulla dust. The Christmas tree? I don't know what a kid'd do!
So there was the dust factor. But there was also the factor of familiarity breeding a little bit of contempt. You know what I mean. As wonderful as the Christmas tree is, and as much fun as it represents, when the Christmas tree overstays its welcome, the very things about it that were charming from the day after Thanksgiving until the week after New Year's become the very things that are most annoying about it. It's like that with any friend, really. Spend enough time together, and you're gonna get on each other's nerves, no doubt.
So no, I didn't campaign to leave up the Christmas tree and adapt it to multiple holidays this year, Friends. It was taken down and put in its special box up in the attic, until the day after Thanksgiving this year. It's just as well. I didn't wanna hafta figure out how to deal with all that dust, but more importantly, I didn't want the O'Lanterns mad at me, coming into this year's Holiday Season. They were on my side during the Great Elves on Shelves Skirmish of 2015, but that doesn't mean they won't just take up sides with those little red-clad menaces, come this year, and if I'm anything, I'm a Little Kid who thinks ahead. You bet I am!
Hey. Speakin' of thinkin' ahead, I'll see ya tomorrow, Big People. I love ya lots, even if you might still have your Christmas tree still up. If ya do, it's okay, but I strongly urge ya to go ahead and take it down now. Christmas is over until December. You've gotta let it go. But I get it. Winter's dark. Get yourself a lava lamp. They're fun! They light up! And. They pretty much make a party, wherever they are. Lava lamps are where it's at, in the off-season for holidays, Friends! How about that?!
Great ideas, just another service I offer! Muah!