I was thisclose to the Zamboni! |
Hiya, Friends! Happy Monday to you!
Hey, remember how I said that I was getting a special surprise on Saturday? Well, it ended up that Mommy and Daddy took me to First Niagara Center in Downtown Buffalo to see Disney Princesses and Heroes on Ice! How about that?!
Of course, they saved my favorites Elsa and Anna for last, but they got the longest time on the ice, too. Also, I didn't know camels have blue eyes or that they know how to ice skate, but it's true! The "Aladdin" segment featured a blue-eyed, ice-skating camel, so that was pretty exciting!
You know, I am not as well-versed in the traditional Disney Princess Canon as other Little Kids my age. I never realized this until Saturday, Friends. There were hundreds of other Little Kids at the Arena, and they were all shouting out their favorite Disney Princesses' names, and shouting along to the lyrics of the songs, and the only ones I really knew were Elsa and Anna. I mean, I recognized Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Belle from my Disney Princesses Candyland Game, but I've never seen their movies. I thought all the Disney Princesses had really nice costumes, although the heroes seemed pretty interchangeable to me, aside from Aladdin and Christoph.
There were some fireworks, and that freaked me out a little bit. Fireworks are loud! I have a problem with loud, which I know is kind of ironic, on accounta how I don't mind it at all when I, myself, am really loud! I guess that's just a personality quirk of mine that makes me "me!"
But that doesn't mean I didn't have a lot of fun at the show!
Quite to the contrary, I had a great time. I realized just how much I like Tinkerbell. Mickey and Minnie were there, too, and they're just as great in person as they seem to be on the television! Olaf is a really great ice skater for a snowman!
And. We sat right in the front row, so when the Zamboni came out to clean up the ice for intermission, I was really, really close to the Zamboni, close enough to hear its engine! I coulda reached out and TOUCHED it, if that sorta behavior hadn't have been highly discouraged.
I waved and waved at that Zamboni.
Why? Well, you might not know this about me, Friends, but I am a big fan of Zambonis. I have a book I got for Christmas called "Z is for Zamboni," and it's a favorite. Oughtta be a classic, if you ask me. I've been to two hockey games in my life so far, and come intermission time, my eyes are glued right onto that magical vehicle. When I see a Zamboni on the television, I always think about how much I'd like to be the lucky gal driving it.
Someday, I've decided that I'm going to write, produce, direct, and star in an ice show that's all about me and my Zamboni and the adventures we go on. I'm not sure if I'll use fireworks in my show or not, because they startled me yesterday during the Disney show. But who knows? They might be less startling if they're in MY show, and I'm the one in charge of settin' 'em off when I say!
So it was a lot, lot , LOT of fun, going to that show! Plus, I got to eat fancy cupcakes AND go to Friendly's AND drive the race-cart at Home Depot!
How about that?!