
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The One-Armed Bandit Rises

I'm gettin' the hang of bein' the One-Armed Bandit!
Hiya, Big People!  Happy Tuesday to you! 

You know what?  Last Tuesday was a stinker of a day, because it started out with me in the emergency room at the hospital.  Today is a brighter Tuesday!

Even though I still have my broken arm, it's healin' up.  I got to go to bed at a decent time last night (yes, you read that right, comin' from me!), and I've gotten the hang of takin' a bath without gettin' my cast wet. 

In fact, I'm gettin' the hang of doin' a lotta things with my cast.  I can get my clothes on.  I can eat.  I'm even learnin' to write with my left hand.  How about that?

You know, all kindsa superheroes have their origin story, and I think this is mine.  I feel like a superhero, on accounta I'm learnin' to adapt to my cast. 

This story will go down in history as "The Rise of the One-Armed Bandit."  And I'm the One-Armed Bandit, in case ya missed that.  Except I'm a good bandit, not a bad bandit.  Just to make that clear.

Origin stories are hard! 

Anyways, I'll see ya tomorrow, Friends!  I have One-Armed Bandit stuff to do.  I love ya lots!  Muah!

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