
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I Don't Want That!

Stop askin' me what I want for supper!
Hiya, Friends!  Happy Tuesday to you!

Well, I'll tell ya something.  It makes me very, very angry when Mommy asks me what we oughtta have for supper.  It just makes me so mad!

She asks me if I want spaghetti, and I say "NO!"

She asks if I want hamburgers, and I say "Definitely not!"

Maybe we oughtta have fish or soup or chili?


One time, Mommy asked me if I wanted ice cream for supper, so I said "Yes!"  Who wouldn't want ice cream for supper?  Why would she even hafta ask me that?

Well, as it turns out, she was just seein' if I knew how to say anything besides "NO!"  And that was rude.

So now I rebel.  No matter what Mommy makes for dinner, I don't like it.  If it was ice cream, maybe I'd change my tune.  But it's the principal of the thing, you know?

When you're five, the struggle is real. Don't you forget that, Friends.  I know you understand.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

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