Welcome to Saturday! |
Gotta stretch! We don't wanna pull a hammie today! |
You know, I wake up every day, expecting something supermassive about it. Something epic. Some days, it's epic to count to a new number. Maybe to get through the entire alphabet all by myself.
Could be just a really great bubblebath.
I can just see how supermassive today can be! |
Saturdays are special, though, Friends. Saturdays hold special power. You know, one Saturday morning, while I was in a great bubblebath in my tub, I figured out the energy crisis, how to fix The System, and how to make the perfect ice cream soda. I had it all figured out and spelled out on the walls of my tub, but then....
Well, then, tragedy struck, Big People. See, I wrote all this brilliance out in my native Babese in tub-crayon, and before I had a chance to translate everything into regular Big People Standard English for Mommy, so she could alert the proper authorities on all my great ideas to get things going, she wiped off my Babese brilliance.
Worse, even though I figured those things out, I wrote 'em down so I wouldn't forget 'em, and now they're gone. So we'll just hafta wanna start again on figuring out those things, Friends. They seem really important.
I pledge to make today great for me and my loved ones! |
But it's gonna be fun, too! |
I hope you have a good day today, too, Friends. Have fun, relax, and figure stuff out.
Remember that I love ya lots, and we'll ketchup tomorrow!
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