
Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Truth Comes Out, and It Hurts

Hey, Rozzie.  What would you think if we got a pet bunny?
Hiya, Friends!  Well, as you know, about a month ago, my best pal Rozzie had to have surgery on her ear.  But we're always lookin' for a silver lining, and the silver lining about Rozzie's ear surgery, at least for me, is that I got to meet a great bunny at the vet's.  I got to go right into the room where the bunny's cage was.

Oh, Friends, he was such a nice bunny!  It got me to thinkin' that I'd like to have a pet bunny of my very own.  The kids on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood have a bunny in their class named Class Pet, I think.  Or maybe they call it Bunny.  I think if I had a pet bunny of my own, though, I'd name it Class Pet in honor of that bunny on Daniel Tiger. 

I figured if anybody would back me up in my presentation to Mommy and Daddy, persuading them to let us get a pet bunny, Rozzie would be my ally.  Rozzie oughtta wanna love other cute and fuzzy little animals, since she is a cute and fuzzy animal.

She says she wouldn't think much of us gettin' a pet bunny, and furthermore...
Here's the thing.  I brought it up to Rozzie, and she went the heck off on me.  She went right the heck off.  Do you know the things my pal Rozzie said to me?  Well, I'm gonna tell ya the things my pal Rozzie said to me, regarding my desire to adopt a pet bunny, all of my own.

Rozzie said that she has no interest in sharing her house with a pet bunny.  She even went so far as to say that Mommy and Daddy were really pushing it when they brought me home from the hospital.  A pet bunny would be the last straw, Rozzie said.

I don't even know what to say to all this, Friends.  I thought Rozzie was my FRIEND!  I thought she was my PAL!  Now I've found out she thinks Mommy and Daddy were "pushing it" when they brought me home?  If I wasn't gonna live here in my home, where does Rozzie expect me to live, Friends?  Where?  I'm just a little kid!

The truth hurts, Friends.  I know that Rozzie likes me well enough.  I just she woulda said she didn't want us to get a pet bunny, and left it at that, though.  She didn't hafta go into all that detail.  I coulda done without knowing she wasn't crazy about the idea of me.

...Mommy and Daddy were pushing it, bringing me home.  Ouch, Rozzie!  Ouch!
But hey.  Rozzie eventually came around to me.  I'm not gonna let this all make me sad, then, Friends.  I'll keep workin' on Rozzie.  Maybe she'll come around to the idea of Class Pet. 

Even if I'm a little miffed at my pal Rozzie right now, I do really love the heck right out of her.  I really do, Friends.  And I love ya lots, too!  Muah!

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