
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TIPical Tuesday: How to Sneak Up On Somebody!

I am an expert sneaker-upper!
Hiya, Friends!  How are you?  Top o' the Tuesday to you!

I have a really great tip to offer you on Tuesday.  It's so great, in fact, that I'm gonna wanna hafta call this "TIPical Tuesday" in its honor.

Today, I'm gonna teach ya how to sneak up on somebody, Zoe-style!

The first thing you're gonna wanna hafta do is identify upon whom you'd like to sneak.  In this example, I'll sneak up on my pal Rozzie.  Observe:

The next thing you're gonna wanna hafta do is announce in your most exuberant voice that you're sneakin' up on that person.  Something like this: "Hey, Mah-meeee!  I'm sneakin' up on you!" oughtta do the trick. 

Surpriiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeezzzzzzz!  I gotchyoo!
Here's the fun part. The sneaky part.  You've gotta run right at your person, full bore.  This works best if you're not outside on soft squooshy grass or on a solid cement floor.  I'm tellin' you you wanna hafta be on a floor that has at least just the slightest amount of give to it.  Like a hardwood floor on a floor over the basement, or on the second floor.  Maybe a porch floor.

Then when you get to your person you're sneakin' up on, you jump in front of 'em, and yell "SURPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZE!"

WHEEEEE!  That's fun! 

Friends, no matter what you've heard, this is how to sneak up on somebody.  It's a lot more fun than bein' all quiet and skulky. 

I love ya lots, Friends!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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