
Monday, June 16, 2014

Sometimes, You've Just Gotta Eat Ice Cream for Dinner!

Go ahead and eat some ice cream FOR supper tonight, Friends!
Hiya, Friends!

You know what?  It's Monday.  Mondays can be boogers, I know.  You have sucha good time over the weekend, and then Monday comes and you hafta go back to work.

Once you're at work, all kindsa things can happen to make your day just go downhill from there.  The copy machine can jam up.  The office bathroom could run outta toilet paper.  You could have a hard time finding a pen that writes.  Your computer could crash.

All these things could happen on any other day of the week.  It's just that Monday seems to bring those things by the crate-load. 

So you need something to make Monday a little more palatable, Big People.  I think eatin' ice cream for dinner tonight would be just the ticket.  Ice cream makes everything better.  I think it'd make even a Monday better.

Go ahead and try it, Friends.  What's the worst that can happen?  At the end of it all, you'll have eaten ice cream for dinner.  Put a little hot fudge all up on there, too. I won't tell.

We're all in this together, Friends!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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