
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Muscle Mania

My Little Pink Weights remind me to have Girl Power!  Roar!
Hiya, Big People! 

Well, ya know, I've always been kind of a Strong Little Kid, but that doesn't "just happen." I mean, some of it "just happens," but mostly, I have to work really hard to be strong.

I hafta eat right.  I hafta get enough sleep.  But most of all, I hafta exercise.

I know exercise can be a drag, Big People.  It's never been a drag to me, but I understand other people think it's a drag.  The trick to it all is findin' something you love to do.

Me?  I love liftin' weights with my Little Pink Weights.  I have one for each hand.  I can do all kindsa exercises with 'em.  I can do biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, double-arm rows, dead-lifts, and shoulder presses.  And that's the beginning of all the things I can do with my Little Pink Weights!  They're a versatile workout tool!

So anyways, Friends, exercisin' doesn't hafta be a drag for you.  You just need to find something you think is really fun!  And exercisin' is so good for you, and so good for your heart!  How about that?!

I love ya lots, Friends!  I'll be seein' ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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