
Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Pink I Story

Those antibiotic eyedrops are just the worst, Friends.  Just the worst.
Friends, in case you didn't hear, I've been sick all week.  I went to my doctor and saw my pediatric nurse practitioner and you know what I found out, besides that I had a terrible, terrible cold?

I had the Pink Eye! 

The color pink is nice, and I like eyes, so you'd think that putting pink and eyes together would be tremendous and beautiful fun, but it really isn't.  It's awful.

I think the worst part of it, like the worst part of a lot of things, is the cure for the Pink Eye.  It could probably be worse, but I don't know how.  To cure my Pink Eye, I have to have drops put in my eyes.  Three times a day.    And lemme wanna tell ya about these eyedrops, Friends.  They sting.  I have to have Mommy SIT on me.  I don't mean to.  It's just that I see the bottle of eyedrops and I freak the heck out, like anybody would.

I know I need the eyedrops, and I know they make my eyes better, but they really hurt me.  Earlier this week, I thought Mommy and I were gonna be mortal enemies from here on out, on accounta those eyedrops, but I've since learned that they're for my own good, and Mommy gives me a big hug after she sits on me and puts the eyedrops in my eyes. 

I'm a survivor, Friends.  I really am.  And I'm not gonna let these eyedrops get me down.

That's my Pink I story, Friends!  I love ya lots!  See ya tomorrow! Muah!

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