It's three letters: Z-O-E. I'm FOUR and I can spell it! |
Well, there ya are, Friends! Happy Friday to you! I'm glad to see ya, but I hafta admit that my feathers are a little ruffled.
You see, I've been visitin' the MoonDollars right around the corner lately, and I've noticed something of a phenomenon there. Maybe you Big People can relate to this, somehow.
When ya order at MoonDollars, they ask you for your name and write your name on a cup, so when your order's up, the barista and you know that's your hot beverage of choice. Because even Little Kids are very particular about how their individual Bambinoccinos are prepared. I wanna end up with the Bambinoccino I ordered to perfection, sweetened and lightened and presented at the exact temperature I like it to be in, which is warm enough to get me out the door and still have a warm beverage when I get to where I'm going!
I'm not really that difficult to please. No. Pretty much, I just step up to the counter, smile, say "Hiya! My name's Zoe, and I'd like a Mediamo Bambinoccino, no foam, please." And I paid and put my tip in the tip cup. In case it doesn't quite sound like it, that's about as basic a Bambinoccino order as you're gonna hafta wanna find into the dang ol' MoonDollars. So that's why I'm just perplexed by the things that have been going on, every time I've been into MoonDollars lately.
It started on the very first day of my MoonDollars patronage. I ordered my drink, and when it came across the counter, I noticed it said "Zoey," which is understandable enough. But I brought it to my barista's attention, just in case there was a "Zoey" near me in line, on accounta there seem to be a lotta people walkin' around with some permutation of "Zoe" for names. That was my Bambinoccino, as it turned out, so I just put it in my back pocket as information to use next time.
Welp, next time, I stepped up to the counter, smiled, said, "Hiya! My name's Zoe! Z-O-E! I'd like a Mediamo Bambinoccino, please!" and I paid and put my tip in the tip cup. I was the only kid in the MoonDollars just then.
My cup came out with my name spelled "Z-o-o-e-y," like the Deschanel.
I wasn't sure whether or not to bring this to the barista's attention, so I decided to let it go. There was no way that Bambinoccino was anybody else's.
The very next day, I went to the same exact barista. That day, I got a cup addressed to "Chloe."
Things have gotten progressively weirder. Since the day I got "Chloe's" cup, I've visited that very same barista, and have drank my Bambinoccino in cups for: Yolanda, Mitsi, Face, You Again?, and Seriously?! I think something's going on.
Anyways, I'm all about living and letting live, and I love good-natured ribbing, but I feel a little bit like I'm being bullied. I coulda left a snotty review on Squawk! and I coulda asked to see the MoonDollars manager, but I decided I'd take a different road. I still smiled, ordered, spelled my name for them, and left a tip, but this time, I also left a note that said,
Hiya, Barista!
Hey, since I don't care to take my Bambinoccino with a super-sized order of passive-aggression, no matter how complimentary, I won't be visiting this MoonDollars anymore. Never fear. I will not be going without delicious, superior-quality Bambinoccinos. I'll just be buying them from Donut Dude's. They're friendlier there, the Bambinoccinos are more flavorful, and they always know my name.
Anyway, have a nice life! I will not see you again!
Zoe/Zoey/Zooey/Chloe/Yolanda/Mitsi/Face/You Again/Former MoonDollars Customer
It probably doesn't make one bit of difference, but I feel like I've stood up for myself in a fitting manner. I can move on in peace. Friends, I just think it's mean, when you know someone's name, and they take the time to spell it for you, to just write the wrong name anyways. It made me mad, but it also really hurt my feelings. And it makes me mad that it hurt my feelings, but it is what it is, isn't it?
Anyways, you don't hurt my feelings. You know my name, and you don't call me the wrong name. I love ya lots for that! I'll see ya tomorrow! Muah!