
Monday, February 15, 2016

They Oughtta Call Today Cheap Candy Day!

I'm stockin' up on Valentine's candy at discounted prices!
Hiya, Friends!  Happy Monday to you!

Well, ya know, it's Presidents Day, but most importantly, it's the Day After Valentine's Day, so now all the candies that you coulda bought on Saturday for a hundred percent of the price are now available to you for deep discounts.  They hafta make room for the Cadbury Creme Eggs, after all!

One of my favorite things about me is that when I see an opportunity, I grab it, and cheap Valentine candy is something I love to grab up with both hands, in-store, online, anywheres.  It's still delicious candy, and once ya get it out of the fancy heart-shaped box, nobody even has to be the wiser for it being Valentine candy if you don't want 'em to know!

I like to know, though, because nothing tastes better to me than eatin' a piece of candy from a box that cost $30 the day before Valentine's Day, but today, that very exact same boxa candy was only $10... or less.  It makes me feel like I've beaten The System, you know?

You know what I mean, Big People!  Sure you do!  And I'll see ya tomorrow!  I love ya lots!  Muah!

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