
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Want to be a Jukebox Hero!

Why's the jukebox always out of order when I'm here?
 Hiya, Friends!  Today, I have a Very Serious Topic to discuss with you.  It's Very Serious because I would like to put a quarter in the jukebox at the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville, and play some music, but the thing is, whenever I have a quarter to put in the machine, the jukebox is out of order!

Daddy and Mommy say that I have all kinds of music I can listen to on the iPhone, and that all I have to do is say which song I'd like to hear, but it's not the same.  I think it'd be quite a thrill to put my quarter in the jukebox, and push in the number of my selection, and have music, just like magic.  Mommy's gone so far as to say I can just give her my quarter, and she'll make her iPhone play "Sweet Pea" for me.  That's just insulting!  That iPhone is pretty fun, but it's not a big, light-up box that hangs on the wall in my booth at the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville!  No!  The iPhone is a little electronic device, barely bigger than a deck of cards!  Who listens to music from a device barely bigger than a deck of cards, when they can listen to music from a light-up box on the wall?  Get with the program, Mommy!

Look at my face. I want it to be the face of a jukebox hero!
I've been thinking a lot about the song 'Jukebox Hero.'  We have the song in the iPhone, and sometimes when we're riding in the car, I hear it.  Riding in the car is our listening-to-music time.  I enjoy some good music.  But it makes me wonder what I can do to be a Jukebox Hero, myself.  I think that as far as the jukeboxes at the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville are concerned, I could be a jukebox hero to them if they'd allow me to arrange for a jukebox repairman come and fix whatever makes them out of order.  Wouldn't that make me a jukebox hero, Friends?

 The thing is, unlike the Little Giraffes I've met, the jukeboxes are not able to speak up and talk and tell me what's wrong. Plus, Mommy and Daddy won't let me take apart the jukeboxes at the Texas Hot, to find out what's wrong with them.  How am I ever going to get to be a jukebox hero if I can't take the jukeboxes apart to see what's wrong with them so I can fix them, so I can put in my quarter and play myself some music?  How?  I may never know!

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