Hiya, Friends! Zoe here! Hey, yesterday was the 9th, which is the day I turned 13 Months Old! I love the Number Thirteen! It sounds a little sinister at first, because some people think it's unlucky, but I think it's great! First of all, it's a prime number, which means it can be divided only by the number one and itself. That's pretty cool to me. And the other reason I like it is because 13 is the number in a Baker's Dozen, which means you get thirteen cookies or donuts instead of just twelve! How about that?
Anyway, since I'm 13 months old, now, I kind of wanted to look back at the things I was doing on the other thirteens of my life.
For instance, I was 13 seconds old, once, way back on September 9, 2011. At thirteen seconds old, I don't think I'd gotten over the shock yet, of being here. It's a little fuzzy for me.
13 minutes old- I woulda smiled, if I hadn't had to wear a hat! |
Then I was 13 minutes old, not long after I was just 13 seconds old. I was being weighed and measured, and wrapped up in blankets, and the nurses put a hat on my head. I didn't care much for hats then, either, but honestly, I was too tired to fight about it. I'd just been on kind of an intense trip, and they thought I needed a hat. I was fine without it, but whatever. Looking back, I wish I'd raised more of a fuss about the hat. I feel as though I really set a precedent with not fighting the hat when I was 13 minutes old. Now, Mommy thinks it's okay just to plop a hat on my head, and she gets upset when I pull it right back off. If I'd really insisted on NO HATS, LADIES, that night when I was 13 minutes old, I feel like this wouldn't be such a battle to this day, with the hats.
13 hours old: A little cake would have been just the thing. It was my birthday! |
Next, I was 13 hours old, would have been 1:33 p.m. on September 9th, 2011. You know, I wish I'd a known then what I do now about birthdays. That was my birthday, Friends! And even though we were in the hospital, I bet somebody could have brought me a cake! Maybe they could have run to Giant and picked one up. It wouldn't have needed to be very fancy. I didn't have good eyesight when I was 13 hours old. But I bet I would have loved cake. I love cake now. Some people might think I have a cake addiction, since I talk about cake all the time, and think about it a lot, and try to figure out ways to get more cake. But I think it's just natural, Big People. Have you tried cake? Isn't it wonderful? I bet everybody would welcome more cake into their lives, if it were offered. So mark my words, if I'd a known anything different, back when I was thirteen hours old, I would have pressed the call button and asked the nurse to bring me some cake, because it was my birthday, and maybe a party favor and balloon. That would have been the ticket.
I was tuckered out the day I turned 13 days old. It was a busy week! |
I turned 13 days old on Thursday, September 22, 2011. I remember it was a quiet day, when I rode in my swing and enjoyed some Similac whenever I wanted it. No cake. No muss or fuss that day, either. That had been quite an eventful week, though. That Tuesday, I went to my doctor's office for the first time. Mommy fed me right before we left home, but then I got hungry in the waiting room, and that Mommy didn't have any bottles with her, and we'd decided formula was for us, so there we were, stuck like a truck in mud, but my doctor brought me in a little box of to-go bottles, and I sucked down 4 ounces, right in front of my doctor, as though Mommy had been starving me! I didn't mean to make it look like that. Even when I was thirteen days old, Mommy took good care of me, and I know I ate right before we left the house, but thing is, it takes half an hour to get to my doctor's, and that wouldn't be such a big thing, but I think I was nervous, seeing my doctor again for the first time since I was just in the hospital, and I also think that when I was thirteen days old, I was a little bit of a stress eater, so if you think of it like that, it makes sense that I'd get hungry like that at my doctor's, and eat 4 ounces of formula, even though I just had 2 ounces before I left my house. So there was that, and then the next morning, that Wednesday, the hospital called, and said I needed to come back to where I was born, so the nurses could do the heel-stick test again, so Mommy and I loaded up into our silver Jeep and went back to the hospital, just us, and back up to the maternity ward we went. It was good seeing everybody again. It really was. I could have done without having my heel stuck with a needle, but hey, it wasn't so bad. So I guess that's why we just hung out at home and relaxed on the day I turned thirteen days old. I remember swinging in my Snugabunny swing a lot that day, and Rozzie checking in on me sometimes, laying her head beside me. I love that Rozzie! And then, the day after I turned thirteen days old, I went to stay the day at Gramma's, just us, for the first time! It was great! I got to watch the kitties, and listen to 60s dance music, and sleep in a clothes basket! I had so much fun that day!
13 Weeks Old: Watchin' the hockey game! |
I turned 13 weeks old on Friday, December 9th, 2011, and I remember the day well. It was coldish, but not awfully cold. We had to take the New Red Jeep to Chilson Wilcox in Erwin that morning, to get its oil change, and I got to hang out at the dealership while it was being done. Mommy, and Daddy, and I all went! Mommy and Daddy took me to our Mall afterward! I'd already been to the Ross Park Mall in Pittsburgh, where I met my friend Santa Claus, but the Arnot Mall will always feel like 'my' mall, and it was fun to see it all dressed up for Christmas! Then when we got home, there was a hockey game on. I loved hockey games! I remember my Sabres were playing the Florida Panthers that night. I'm pretty sure they won, because I said to Daddy 'They better win for my 13 week birthday!' And I think they did. Boy I wish I could watch a hockey game right now! I've heard on the news the reason I haven't seen any hockey games is because the players are locked out, and I guess they never got my message with Austin Locksmith's number, so they could just have that fellow who let me and Mommy back into the Jeep that day let the players back in so they can play their games. But anyway, that's what my day was like the day I turned 13 weeks old.
13 Months Old: I'm just gettin' started, Big People! |
And that brings us to yesterday, Friends. The day I turned 13 months old. It was a pretty uneventful day. Beautiful weather. Crispy air. I got to eat some Puffs, and beef, and avocado, and carrots, and applesauce, and white sweet potato, and drink real milk out of a cup with a straw, and I did some serious playing in my office. I sang with Rozzie. Mommy made me take a nap. She always does, because killing my buzz is Mommy's job, but it's okay. Between you and me, I felt refreshed and wide-awake after my nap. But don't tell my Mommy I said that. If you do, I'll deny I said it! I really will!
I feel like I've come a long way, even though it feels just like yesterday, sort of, that I was only 13 seconds old, and too nekkid to put up a picture of me here. I've had a lot of fun on all those thirteens! It's fun being here, you know. And now, I get cake! I got cake at my birthday party, on my actual birthday, the day Mommy and Gramma went to Ruby Tuesday for Mommy's birthday.... I thought I had it good, right when I got to the hospital, but I'll tell you something, Big People, it just keeps getting better! I love it here!
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