
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Darned If The Lights Didn't Go Out Again!

Power went out again yesterday!
Hiya, Big People!  I almost didn't make it today.  See, I usually write to you a coupla days ahead of time, so that my posts can be hot off the presses and ready for you, first thing in the mornings, if you like a little something to read while you have your breakfast sandwich and coffee.  Last night, I wasn't able to write today's post for you, because guess what:  The electricity went off again!  For eleven hours!  Holy moly! 

I mean, it wasn't SO bad, really.  I got to go to the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville, because Mommy didn't want to have to open the refrigerator or freezer, to get anything out to eat, for fear of letting their cold air out and the warm air in.  She said that'd make all our cold foods spoil, and we definitely didn't want that..

It's gettin' to be an old story!
So like I said, we got to go to The Texas Hot, and that's always nice!  Last night, there were lotsa people in there, and they had nice lights, and it was warm, and I found a new thing I like to eat.  Guess what it is.  Guess!

If you guessed sauerkraut, you are correct, Sir or Madam! 

If you didn't guess sauerkraut, I guess you wouldn't be alone in being surprised.  I grabbed some sauerkraut off Mommy's plate last night, and ate it, and went back for more, and Mommy and Daddy were really surprised, and so was the woman in the booth across from us, who looked a little bit like Dame Edna.  Well, maybe not Dame Edna, but Dame Edna's weird-looking sister.

But I got to go to the Texas Hot!
Ummmm.  I'm digressing.  The point is I really, really liked that sauerkraut, and Mommy said it was straight-up sauerkraut, not even with a little brown sugar in it to take off some of its edge.  I liked the edge!  Why would anybody wanna take the edge off?

When it really got to me, the electricity being off last night, was that I had to go to bed early.  Mommy and Daddy decided since they couldn't keep track of me with the lights off, I'd be safest in my crib.  I vocally disagreed, but apparently I don't live in a democracy.

So I'm gonna start campaigning really hard for a backup generator that's wired right in to my house.  That's what I'm gonna do.  I shouldn't hafta be shuffled off to crib just because the lights are off!  I shouldn't!  Mommy and Daddy not being able to see me in the dark is THEIR problem, not mine!

I was glad to see the electricity working right today!
I just feel as though I was unfairly incarcerated, just because it was dark, and I'm little.  It was unfair.  There must be some kind of convention Mommy and Daddy were in violation of, sending me to crib early, 'cause of the lack of lights!  I'm gonna look it up!  I'm gonna find out!  You bet I am!

Anyway, I'm glad as all get-out that the power's back on.  Power's something you take for granted until you don't have it anymore, and then you get it back and love it!  That's where I am right now, Friends!  I love electricity!

So hopefully, I'll see ya bright and early tomorrow.  I just wanted you to know what happened to me, so you'd know I wasn't skiving off my blog again.  I'm not gonna be The Occasional Zoe!  I am The Daily Zoe!!! Always!!! Muah!!!

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