
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Well, I'm Back!

Hiya, Friends!  It's good to be back!
 Hiya, Friends!  Well, I'm back from fishin'.  Funny thing about it is that I didn't actually go fishing, so I didn't catch any big fish or little fish.  Isn't that funny?  I guess I shoulda known, when I didn't get any kind of fishing pole. 

I missed you over the weekend!
At first, I wondered if I was s'posed to tickle the fish I was supposed to catch, while I was fishin', but I was pretty relieved to learn that 'gone fishin'' is merely an expression, a figure of speech.  I mean, you go fishin' and you catch a fish, and then what do you do with it?  Throw it back?  Filet it?

I'm not old enough to handle sharp knives by myself, you know.  Hooo boy, I've tried to help Mommy in the kitchen, reaching for a sharp knife, merely REACHING for it, mind you, and the diaper really hit the fan!

And you know, it's just as well that I didn't go fishin' for real.    To tell you the truth, I'm still a little bit haunted by the McDonald's commersh where the fish on the wall is singing about wanting that filet-o-fish back.  That'd be awkward!

But now I don't hafta miss ya anymore, because here we both are!!!
 So if I wasn't fishin' when I said I was goin' fishin', what was it that I was doing?  Well, I was pretty much spending time with my family.  Enjoying being with Gramma and Grampa and Aunt Colleen and Uncle Lorentz.  It was lotsa fun. 

I learned how to blow bubbles with a bubble-wand, and I learned how to roast and eat marshmallows.  I mean, I ate roasted marshmallows.  Why should I roast 'em myself when I have six Big People at my beck and call?

I'll tell you all about it later on, Friends!  Right now, though, I am STILL on an epic sugar rush!  I'd better go burn off my excess energy, before I get myself in trouble!  Muah!

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