
Friday, May 17, 2013

My Favorite Flavor!

I think my favorite flavor is sour!
 Hiya, Friends!  Happy Friday to you!  You know what?  Ever since Tuesday night, I haven't been able to get that sauerkraut I got to eat out of my mind.  I can't stop thinking about it!  I've eaten some really good things at the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville, but I've never had anything quite like that sauerkraut!

I like sour things, really.  Dill pickles, lemons... that sauerkraut.  I think it's my favorite flavor.

You know how some people travel around, eating hot wings and hot peppers and all kinds of hot foods, to see just how hot they can tolerate their food in their mouths?  It's extreme!

Well, I'm not quite like that.  I don't want to eat extremely sour things, but I would like to travel around and taste lots of sour things, just for the fun of it, just in the pursuit of sourness!  Just to feel my lips pucker all up and my tongue curl!

You mean to tell me sauerkraut tastes great and is good for ya?!?
On the Internet, I read that back in the day, there were sour candies called "War Heads," and gumballs that were called "Crybabies," and they were all sour.  It makes my tongue curl, just thinking about them.  Mommy says I can't have any of those candies.  She says I'm too little for gumballs and hard candies, 'cause I might choke on 'em.

On the other hand, I also found out about something called "Sour Patch Kids."  They're like gumdrops, but instead of sweet-sugar covering them, there's sour-sugar covering the candies, and best of all, if you get a box of 'em, or a bag of 'em, some of the sour-sugar gets knocked off the candy and settles to the bottom, and you can eat just the sugar, right out of the box, or the bottom of the bag!  How about that?!

I could cook up a mess of sauerkraut in a crockpot and have a party!
Mommy says maybe sometime, I can have some Sour Patch Kids.  I think that's nice of her.  She doesn't let me have candy very often.

Of course, sauerkraut like what I got to eat the other night at The Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville, is nice 'n' sour, and it isn't candy and it's really good for a body, so there's something for me and Mommy both to like!  I bet I wouldn't even have to come up with an argument to get Mommy to let me eat some more of that sauerkraut.  Why, they even sell that in the stores, sauerkraut.  I've seen it!  I've seen it right while I was riding around in the cart at Wegmans once! 

I betcha I could cook up a mess of sauerkraut in something like a crock pot, since I'm not allowed to use the stove.  And then I could have everybody over, and we can have sauerkraut and lemons and Sour Patch Kids!  It'll be fun!  And tasty!

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