
Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Monday the Thirteenth. Is That A Thing?

Yikes!  It's Monday the Thirteenth!

Hiya, Big People!  I notice on the calendar that today's Monday the Thirteenth.  Now, I know that people get all freaked out about Fridays the 13ths, so I was wondering if Monday the 13th also inspires such feelings of dread and superstition, and if now, how come, Big People?

Here's where I'm coming from.  We ALL LOVE FRIDAYS!  I mean, most of the people and animals I know love Fridays.  Maybe not so much Rozzie, because every fourth Friday, she goes to her vet for a bath and an injection, and I can see how that'd cramp her style, but the Fridays that aren't those Fridays, she seems to love Fridays as much as the rest of us!

So why is it that when Fridays happen to have the Number Thirteen in them, people get all weird about it, but when it happens to Mondays, everybody's like "just another day?"

We better batten the hatches and get our survival mac-n-cheese!
Maybe it's because Fridays are usually so great, that if something weird happens on a Friday the 13th, it's really out of the ordinary, because Fridays are usually so agreeable, but Mondays are stinkers in and of themselves, so if that same weird thing happened on a Monday the 13th, we all just chalk it up to having gotten a case of the Mondays.  Maybe that's it.

But I think we need to be vigilant on these Monday the Thirteenthses!  We've gotta be careful and pay attention!  Can't be too safe! 

I think that Mondays magnify the Whammy Factor of the Thirteenth, so if your printer just acts up on Friday the Thirteenth, or any regular Monday, on Monday the Thirteenth, your printer will not only act up, instead of printing what you want it to print, it'll print devil faces with bad words in the captions and send it to all your coworkers, so you get in trouble. 

Do we have emergency water?  I forgot to check!
Or you go to buy yourself a KitKat out of the vending machine in the break room, and you put in your dollar, and the machine keeps spitting out your dollar, so finally, you trade your dollar bill for four quarters from one of your co-workers, and you put in your money for the KitKat into the vending machine, and it eats your money and the spring that holds in the KitKat doesn't even move, and you don't get your money back OR your KitKat, but a Yodel from 1974 drops out. 

Or, if your toilet has been known to get clogged up on a Monday or a Friday the Thirteenth, on Monday the Thirteenth, it'll get clogged all the way up right when you're already late for work because your alarm clock forgot to go off, so not only are you gonna be late to work, but the toilet won't quit running and now you're probably just going to hafta move.

Or a black cat crosses your path, but it turns out that the black cat is really a black bear, and it eats ya.
What's that? You think we'll be all right? Oh, okay!

Monday the Thirteenth.

 So I think we shouldn't just shrug off the bad-luck things that happen today.  We should definitely be aware that these aren't just run-of-the-mill Monday Mayhem.  Oh, Mayhem's definitely involved for sure, but the Monday and the Thirteenthness of the Monday have combined forces and made a great, big, Muscled-Up Mad Mayhem.

I don't know what to tell us to do about this, either, except just be prepared.  Bring along a little extra gas tank for your car, in case Monday the Thirteenth has boogered up your gas gauge.  Bring your own KitKats and don't expect the break room vending machine to be cooperative today.  Bring sunglasses, snowboots, a hat, a warm blanket, and a pair of flip-flops, to plan for every weather eventuality.  Bring a hard hat, just in case.

We can't be too safe on Monday the Thirteenth, Friends.  We can't be too safe.

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