
Thursday, June 27, 2013

We'll Sell Sweepers Door-to-Door!

Hey, Rozzie? I'm sorry we won't be on AFV!
Well, Friends!  Rozzie and I are kind of at a crossroads in our comedy career.  By crossroads, I mean we've come to a standstill. 

It's not Rozzie's fault.  She's hilarious.  It's me.  As it turns out, I'm better at messing up jokes and pranks than I am, playing them.

Don't feel bad for me, Friends!  We all know this was coming.  All's you've gotta do is look at yesterday's blog post and you'll see I've seen the writing on the wall.  I've suspected that I'm just not cut out for a career in the funny business. 

Rozzie was disappointed at first.  She tried to be all stoic about it, but I could tell she was kinda upset with me.  We were both really counting on that boatload of cash we could win on that funny video television show.

Aww, Rozzie!  I'm glad we're back to bein' friends!
Between you and me and the Internet, Friends, I was kinda worried that Rozzie would never talk to me again, after I messed up her last joke!  I don't even remember what it was about, but she said it was going to be GREAT and we should keep the cameras rolling, and what'd I do? 

Knocked the camera right the heck over, that's what I did!

Boy, did we ever get some excellent footage of the ceiling fan in the family room, though!  That ceiling fan is way up high, and it goes roun'an'roun'an'round!  I just love it!

Anyway, after that, we knew our shot at the America's Funniest Home Videos was all but circling the drain, and if we want a boatload of cash, we've gotta change our strategery.

We are gonna be GREAT sweeper salesgirls, Rozzie!
We decided that instead of trying to win our fortune, and leave our fate up to the subjectivity of others, we'd EARN our fortune!  And I had a GREAT idea for us to do so! 

We're gonna sell sweepers door-to-door!  Doesn't that sound like fun?  See?  Rozzie'll knock on the door and go inside and make a mess, and then say 'My partner Zoe's coming in to show you how to clean this up!' and I will!  I'll sweep their floor with my vacuum, and show 'em how it's superior to their vacuum, and they'll wanna buy mine, right on the spot, which is great, because I'll have a van full of sweepers, right there, so when I sell one, I'll have another one to use at the next house!

I think this is one of the better ideas Rozzie and I have had in the last coupla days, Friends!  We'd better go get crackalackin'!  If you see us pull up in a van at your house, you'd better get your checkbook ready, because Rozzie and I are gonna sell ya a sweeper and all the accessories, just like that!  Hahahahahaha!

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