
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Runnin' Sweepy!

I love to run Sweepy! It's fun AND helps out!
Hiya, Friends!  I don't know about you, but I'm sure glad I live in a world after the vacuum cleaner was invented.  I don't know what people did with their houses before vacuums were invented.  I guess they used a broom and just always got used to having a little dirt-n-dust left behind.

And they call those the good old days!

Anyway, I KNOW runnin' a sweepy isn't the favorite thing to do on anybody's priority list, except maybe mine, but could you imagine how tedious it was before the Sweepy?  I know people had rugs and carpets on their floors before Sweepies!  What did they do?  They had to take up the rugs, take 'em outside, hang 'em on a line, and beat 'em!

Sweepy cleans the floor faster than a broom and dustpan!
It probably relieved a lot of stress, but it had to be messy, and hard work, and in the summer, hot!  I'd rather push around a machine that makes noise and sucks all that dirt out of the carpet fibers!  That's what I'd rather do!

Well, if I were being honest, I'd rather eat ice cream than beat rugs OR run the sweeper, but since I can't have ice cream all the time, and also, the sweeper needs to be run, that's what I'd rather do besides taking the rugs out to be beaten.

We have a lot to sweep up around here.  There's lotsa dust, and also, lotsa Rozzie hair.  Boyo boy, I don't know how Rozzie sheds as much as she does and still has lotsa hair for me to run my fingers through!  I love Rozzie's soft fur!

Oh, Rozzie! Even Snowman says you're sheddy, but we love you!
I should say I love Rozzie's soft fur when it's on Rozzie!  Sometimes, it tumbles across the floor like the tumbleweeds I saw in Julius' Wild West Bananza!  Hoo Boy!

That's when it's great to have Sweepy around!

Instead of being all grouchy about having to run Sweepy lots, I just think of how things were when my house was built, all the way back in the eighteen hundreds!  I think of those ladies who had to wear corsets and take the rugs out to beat 'em, and I sure am grateful that I have Sweepy.  I'll see ya tomorrow, Friends!

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