Countin' my blessings, toddler-style! |
Hiya, Friends. I know I got a little testy yesterday. I know I was in kind of a bad mood, and for that I apologize. It's tough bein' Almost Three. But today, I'm gonna turn things around and be happy, darn it. Why? Because today, I turn thirty-five months old. That's right. I've been around for thirty-five months, and to celebrate, I'm gonna list off thirty-five things I'm happy about.
Well, it doesn't matter. This is my web log, and I'm ready, so you just hold on and come along, Big People! Rah!
1. I am an awesome walker. When I go to the mall, I never take my stroller anymore, because I can walk!
2. I get to do a lot of going.
3. I like my Days of Play at Gramma's house.
4. Animal Cookies.
5. I get to enjoy the best of little-kid-centric cinema. I just love watching animated movies!
6. My best pal Rozzie. I just love that dog!
7. I love that I can turn anything into a musical instrument, pretty much.
8. Hats. They just make me happy.
9. My swing and slide.
10. Public playgrounds- they have really cool play equipment, and also there's usually other little kids around, so I get to do a lot of networking while I'm at the playground. You big people have your golf, toddlers have playgrounds.
11. My continued work raising awareness of the plight of Little Giraffes everywhere is very rewarding.
12. I'm allowed to have root beer sometimes.
13. Stops at gas stations usually mean I get a candy bar. I love candy bars!
14. Donuts and cupcakes make me happy.
15. I love my family.
16. Hello Kitty. Something about Hello Kitty just puts a smile right the heck on my face, Friends!
17. PEZ candies and their dispensers!
18. Books. I have lotsa books that I love to read.
19. My house is safe and warm and cozy.
20. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. I love that show. I learn so much from it.
21. Sesame Street.
22. My tent that looks like a blue VW Bus.
23. I love my new sand and water table. I can play with it whenever I want, because it's on my porch.
24. Nicey warm bubble baths.
25. Eating in restaurants!
26. New shoes!
27. Waking up from my nap!
28. Waking up in the morning!
29. Brownies. I just love 'em!
30. I love my crayons that let me color right on the windows without me getting into trouble!
31. I love finding out that not only do we get the channel SpongeBob comes on, but that it comes on my very television set in the living room! How about that?!
32. I love singing along to songs I know (and those I don't!)
33. I love to dance. Dancing makes me happy. It makes me happy when I feel sad, and when I'm already happy and I dance, I pretty much can fly.
34. I love that I can ride facing the front of the car. I never liked riding facing backwards in my old carseat. When I finally got to turn my carseat around and see where we were going in the car, insteadda where we'd been, it was like the whole world opened up for me!
35. Finally, I'm happy when I get to be silly. Silliness is deeply ingrained into who I am, and when I can be my silly self, I am so happy.
Friends, thank you for lettin' me list thirty-five things that make me happy today. And thank you for checking in on me every day and making this little kid feel like a great, big cheese! I love ya lots! Muah!