
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Zoe's Techno Rewind: Calculator Watches!

With a calculator watch, I can tell you what time it is AND tell ya how much tip to leave!
Hiya, Big People! Welcome to the latest Techno Rewind!  Today, we're gonna talk about two things that just fascinate me, but they're all rolled into one!

I'm talking about calculator watches!

Do you remember those, Friends?  I guess they were really big in the Eighties... WAAAAAAAY before this kid's time, but that doesn't stop me from likin' them.

Calculator watches were digital watches that told you the day, date, time, and also let you calculate.  It sounds pretty precious now, with our telephones that do everything for us, including keep us entertained, but back in the day, I guess this was a big deal, having a little watch on your wrist.

I think it's fabulous, the idea of a calculator watch, Friends!  Why, when you take me to the Texas Hot in downtown Wellsville (hint, hint!) you could not only know whether or not it's time to take me to the park to play, but you could also figure up how much tip to leave, all very discreetly, without getting out your phone!

How about that?!

So this Techno Rewind is something I would like to see more of!  Calculator watches!  How about that?!

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