
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Touch of the Writer's Block Again

I hear sittin' in the sink helps cure the writer's block, so that's what I'm doin'.
Hiya, Friends.  Well, don't you know I have a touch of the dang ol' Writer's Block again.  I was sailing along so well lately, comin' up with ideas left and right for this weblog, and now, all of a sudden, WHAMMOBLAMMO!  I'm s-t-u-c-k.  Stuck.

Have you ever noticed, Friends, that sometimes when you're tryin' to do something creative, and you're stuck, the harder you try to get un-stuck just makes you more and more stuck-stuck?  That's the place I'm in right now.

I read somewhere on the Internet that if ya sit in a sink for a little while, you know sit in a sink to think, writer's block will just go away.  So that's what I'm tryin' to do today, Friends.  I'm sittin' in the sink to have a think.  It seems kinda ridiculous, but it's worth it if it gets rid of my writer's block.

I'll be seein' ya tomorrow, Friends, writer's block or no writer's block.  If you've got a surefire cure for the 'block, maybe leave me a comment and let me know.  Because writer's block is a frusterating condition to have! 

I love ya lots, Friends!  See ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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