
Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Can See For Miles-n-Miles!

Everybody needs a pair of trusty field-glasses!
Hiya, Big People!  Happy Sunday to you! 

You know, sometimes I like to take my field glasses out and do some lookin' around.  Not in a creepy way, like I'm spyin' on anybody, but for seein' things that are far-away in a more close-up way. 

I like to watch the birds through my field glasses.  The cows in the field across the way are pretty fascinating subjects for me to gaze upon through my field glasses.  When I hear an airplane overhead, those field glasses help me see the little ailerons flipping to make the airplane turn.

Yep.  I like to think of myself as a Field Glasses Enthusiast.  Not really a bird-watcher, cow-spotter, or airplane observer.  I just like to see what I can see through my field glasses.

You know, Friends.  One time, I was looking at the Moon through my field glasses, and I saw Little Green Men eatin' bleu cheese in one of the moon's seas.  How about that?!

You never know what you're going to see through your field glasses, Friends! 

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