
Thursday, May 8, 2014


Dismay come as a surprise to you, but I LOVE learnin' new things!
Hiya, Friends!  You know what?  I've learned a new word, and that new word is "dismay." 

Dismay is a really versatile word.  Observe as I use 'dismay' in a buncha sentences and prepare to have the impressed knocked right outta ya!

1. Dismay come as a complete shock, but I don't always get along with Mommy!

2.  Dismay, I'm on track to attend more car shows than I did last May.

3.  It's my goal for dismay to read all the Amelia Bedelia books ever written, ever!

Oops.  So I've misunderstood what "dismay" means.  Oops.
4.  Dismay not be a very good idea, tryin' to put this sweater on the cat...

See?  It isn't often you get a word that's as versatile and fun to say as "dismay." 

What's that? ... No, I'm pretty sure I understand the meaning of "dismay" just fine.  It's so versatile!

Oh.  It means "sudden disenchantment."  I see.  Well.  Dismay ruin my whole entire thesis of this post.  Darn it.

Well, you know what I say, Friends.  When you find out your whole thesis is ruined, just walk it off and go have some hot cocoa.  That's what I'm gonna do now.  See ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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