
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy May the Sixlet-th!

Whaddaya mean I don't have anyplace to go today?
Hiya, Friends!  You know, I've had an eventful last few days, startin' pretty much with all last week, and today, Tuesday, May Sixth, leaves me with not a lot to do except sit around with Mommy at home. 

Boo-hiss to that!  Boo-hiss right the heck to that, Friends!

I'm a girl on the go.  A mover and a shaker!  A bon vivant

Plus, when I'm on the go, I don't hafta take naps.  When I'm home, it's pretty much a certainty that I'm gonna find myself napping in the middle of the day.

I don't care what you sleep-deprived Big People have to say about it.  It STINKS havin' to take a nap in the middle of the day! 

Of COURSE I can figure out how to make today a special occasion!
Plus, after so much activity all last week, it's really a let-down to find myself so bereft of places to be today. 

Even yesterday was something sort of special.  Cinco de Mayo.  Even if I really don't have any reason to celebrate it.  I mean, like I said yesterday, I love a good underdog story as much as the next little kid, but the whole Cinco de Mayo thing still baffles me.

At least it was SOMETHING different from the norm.

Happy May the Sixlet-th, Friends!
That's why I decided to make today Something.  I'm calling it May the Sixlet-th.  You see, I have me a treasure-trove of those delightful candies called Sixlets, and today's the Sixth, so it's the perfect day to eat those Sixlets!

It isn't much, but it's something to make today kinda more special than your run-of-the-mill, plain-Jane Tuesday.  That's got to count for something, Friends.  I'm tryin'. 

So here's what I wantchya to do today, Friends: go to the store and procure yourself some Sixlets, then enjoy 'em.  That's how we're all gonna celebrate May the Sixlet-th together, even if we aren't together actually.

I love the heck right out of ya, Friends!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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