
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There's A Rainbow, and I Can Read It!

Mind=Blown.  I LOVE Reading Rainbow!
Hiya, Friends!  How's this Wednesday treatin' ya?  Are ya havin' a great day? 

Hey, at least it's Wednesday and not Monday, amIright?

You know what I did?  I recently discovered an application for the dang ol' iPad that's called "Reading Rainbow."  I asked my Mom to download it for me, and it has a buncha BOOKS I can pick from.  Then, the application reads those books to me!

Yeah!  Each book has a different voice that reads to me.  Sometimes, there's SOUND EFFECTS!  And MUSIC!  How cool is all that?

Then, when I've read a book a buncha times, and I wanna return it, I just send it through the "return" slot and pick another book.  I can pick books I've already read, even.  A favorite of mine is called Shoofly Pie!

It's really great, Friends. I love everything about the Reading Rainbow application.  I love the idea that I can read a rainbow.  Friends, this reading stuff is just great!  I really think I'm gonna like it!

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