
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Company 0K!

On one lap, I pretended to mow the lawn!
Hiya, Friends!  How was your Memorial Day weekend?  Didja do anything fun?

You know, I'm a fitness nut.  I just go nuts for fitness, and recently, I had the opportunity to put my fitness nuttiness to good use when I participated in my company's 0K.  An 0K is like a 5 K or a 10K, except we don't really travel any kilometers.  Many, many meters.  But if we called it the Company 850M or whatever, people would think it was a sprint event, which isn't what we're about. 

Basically, what we do is pace ourselves as though we're running in a 5K or a 10K, but we don't go a whole K if we don't wanna.

Then I took one lap really seriously.  Look at me runnin'!
0Ks aren't for everybody.  For instance, serious runners and serious athletes.  That sort of person would not find a 0K very amusing, I think.  I think they'd be sorta bored.  And that's really all right, because the thought of runnin' in one of their "real" races really intimidates me and my ilk.

Yeah, that's right.  I have an "ilk."  It's a real word!  It means my kinda people.  When I first heard the word "ilk," I thought somebody forgot to put the "m" on "milk."  But then I did some investigatin' in the dang ol' dictionary, and found out what it meant, and I've decided to adopt the word "ilk" as my very own.

Always remember to smile at the finish line!
One of these days, I'm gonna organize an Ilkshake, and it'll be when lots of my kind of people gather in one spot, and we DANCE!  And then we'll all drink milkshakes for refreshment.  If you wanna come to my Ilkshake, Friends, I'd love to see you there!  I'll get back to you on the day and time!  How about that?!

So anyway, I did have a lot of fun participating in the Company 0K.  I didn't win or anything, but I had a lotta fun during the journey, and I smiled at the finish line.  Always remember to smile at the finish line, Friends, no matter what.  There's always people there with cameras at the finish line, and you don't wanna be remembered, looking like somebody hit you in the butt with a lemon!  Even if ya finish in last place, you still finish, and that's a reason to smile!

Have a great day, Friends!  I love ya lots!  I'll see ya tomorrow, mmmmkay?  Muah!

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