
Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Friday!!!

It's Friday: I go nuts!
Friends!  Do you know what day it is?  Do. You. Know. What. Day. It. Is?!

What?  No.  It isn't Hump Day.  Why would you think that?

Oh, wait.  I know why.  I sounded an awful lot like my friend Joe the Camel just now, didn't I?  I didn't mean to.  I'm not tryin' to move in on Joe the Camel's verve.  I got plenty of that on my own.  I just got momentarily excited that it's Friday.

I love Fridays, because the whole weekend is right there, stretched before us like a whole sheeta blank paper, and I'm holdin' a brand-new box of sixty-four crayons.  Just all that potential energy of the weekend ready to spring out, come the end of the day on Friday.

If ever there was a great reason to go nuts, Friday is it!

All righty, Friends!  I have some serious Fridaying to do.  I hope you do, too!  I love the heck right outta ya!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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