
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Day Is It?

How 'bout a Souvenir Snapshot of you on this Wednesday?
Well, hiya, Big People!  It sure is good to see ya!

What's today? ... Wednesday?  Yeah, you're right.  It's Wednesday. 

You know, it was a lot easier to keep tracka the middle of the week when my pal Joe the Camel would come through my old job, announcing that it's Hump Day.  I don't work there anymore, but even if I did, Joe the Camel left that job and went into business for himself, owning a canteen company.

I guess nobody knows how to bring water along in a variety of situations like a camel.  I say Good On Joe the Camel!

Now that I work over to Donut Dude's Corporate Headquarters, I've tried to find a good substitute for Joe the Camel, for announcing what day it is.

For example, I tried re-branding my best pal Rozzie as the "Days of the Week Dog!"  Let's just say that every day was "Woof-Woof-Woof-Woof!" and it was always Greenie Time.  Sometimes the power just goes straight to somebody's head, you know?

Then I tried to convince my friend Buddy at Gramma's House to be the Calendar Cat.  He wasn't interested in the position. 

Well, I guess until I can get one of those clocks that has the seven different slices, and it points to which day of the week it is, I'll just hafta live in a state of perpetual Friday.  How about that?!

I love ya lots, Friends!  I'll see ya tomorrow!

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