I like to know what's ahead! |
Hiya, Friends!
Hey, if you know me, and if you've been following along at home, I think you do, you know that I'm a girl who likes to be prepared. Doesn't matter whether it's things or stuff, I like to study up on it and be prepared for it.
As this is the first week of school for a lotta people I know, I decided to get on the good ol' Internet and see what's in store for me when I start school in a few years.
Friends, I see it starts off pretty easy. Letters, numbers, colors, shapes. Stringing letters together into some words. Adding and subtracting numbers. Cutting, coloring, painting, pasting.
I think I can handle that!
But then somewhere down the pike, I'm gonna hafta do something called Algebra. Friends, do you know anything about this? Algebra. From what I can see, algebra is letters 'n' numbers banded together in unholy alliance.
Um, 'solve for X.' ... Why? |
Now, Mommy says this unholy pairing is nothing to be afraid of, but upon closer investigation, it turns out Mommy did really poorly in math herself, especially in the algebras, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.
Calculus. Isn't that something the hygienists at my Daddy's office scrape off people's teeth with pointy instruments?
Sorry, that was gross, but I'm sure you get my point. Those things sound scary, and Mommy's telling me not to be afraid of it rings disingenuous in my ears, since Mommy herself was scared to death of anything too numbery when she was in school.
Daddy, on the other hand, was evidently good at numbery things. That's great and all, but understand where I'm coming from when I say that someone who was GOOD at the lettery numbers and the numbery letters is hardly a good source of comfort for someone who's experiencing anxiety over this sort of thing. If you're naturally good at something, you don't understand why someone who might not be hyperventilates once A and B and C come to the 1-2-3 party.
I mean, I don't know if I'm good at math yet or not. I sorta hope I am. I mean I really hope numbers are my thing. It'd be helpful! Right now, it's too early to tell. When I count to ten right now, this is how I do it. Are you ready? Okay:
One, two, three, eleven, five, six, eleven, eight, nine, ten, Yay ZOZIE!
Somehow, I keep coming up with two elevens. How does that happen? Don't get me wrong. I like the Number Eleven, obviously, but I can't help but notice that the other numbers show up only once in that sequence, so it just doesn't ring true for eleven to turn up twice.
I can count to One right now, so I'm gonna take things One day at a time! |
Also, the other day, I discovered an "Algebra for Dummies" book sitting in the dining room, and when I saw it, I said "Oh, Mommy, really!" and walked off in a huff, because I thought she'd gotten it for me already, and that it was premature to call me a dummy at algebra before I've even gone to school, and she told me some story that it isn't for me at all, but it's for her, because she wants to get good at algebra before I get to that point in school. I don't know whether to believe her or not. I don't. If you don't HAFTA do algebra, Friends, for reasons such as already having your high school diploma and a coupla degrees, WHY on EARTH would you do algebra just for fun?
You never know, though, Friends. You never know. Maybe Mommy IS trying to get better at Algebra.
I do know that from where I stand right now, it all looks a bit overwhelming, so I'm gonna stick to my Stacking Tower! Yes I am!