
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Where Do I Get My Energy?

People who meet me wonder where I get my energy!
Hiya, Friends!  People often ask me where I get my energy.  They wanna know if I sleep plugged in to some sort of device that charges my batteries overnight, or if my Mommy puts RedBull in my sippy cup.

The answer is no, I don't sleep plugged into some battery-charging device.  Could YOU sleep, hooked up to something like that?  As for RedBull, what even is that?  All I get in my sippy cup is milk or water.  I don't even get to drink juice!

No, don't feel bad for me.  I don't miss it.  I don't miss drinking juice.  I've had juice at two restaurants, and while it was neat to drink out of a box, juice just doesn't do it for me.  It's okay!  Seriously!

I don't know where I get it, really, the energy.
And before you can ask, no, Mommy doesn't give me lots of things with sugar in it, so my energy is not actually sugar-fueled mania.  It's honest-to-goodness energy. 

I kind of think it's just the way I am.

Do I have my days where I feel sort of sluggish, logy, tired, and otherwise dopey?  I suppose so.  I have definitely made my peace with naps, mostly.  I don't like to nap when there's other things to see, like when I'm in the car.  Mommy can sleep in the car, just like that, so long's she isn't driving.  I don't know how she does it, but I've sat and watched her fall right to sleep that I know it's true.  The point of that is I think part of my energy comes from getting adequate rest.

But I when I feel sluggish, I decide, 'NO!' and power on!  Rah!
And I eat well.  I have my things I eat as a treat, like some chocolate or icy-peem.  Cookies and donuts.  But those things are so much in moderation that I wouldn't even say they're moderation.  They're mostly every-once-in-a-while treats.

So rest, good food.  That adds up to serious energy, if that helps you, Friends.  And of course, there's the hydration.  I like to stay properly hydrated.  If I don't stay properly hydrated, I get a little grouchy.  My head feels like there's a belt around it, and somebody's snugging it up, and nobody likes that!  So I drink my water! 

And on the days when I do feel less than super, I just decide that the doldrums are not going to get me.  I look myself in the eye with the help of a mirror and I say 'Zoe WithLizardbreath, snap out of this funk and jump up and say WOOOOOOO!' and at that point, I jump up and shout 'WOOOOOOO!!!!!' and do a little dance, and then I'm on my way.  My energetic way.  So maybe some of it is a mind-set, and I'm glad I could set my mind to ENERGY!  Right?  Right!

I love ya, Friends!  Muah!

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