
Saturday, August 31, 2013

St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital

I'm ready to go on my rounds!
Hiya, Friends!  Well, I've started my internship at St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital.  I betchya didn't know I was even in medical school.  Well, I was, and I'll tell ya how. 

'Member how I said that pre-babies have access to lotsa information while they're studying up on how to be people?  Well, some of that information is medical school.  I saw it in an informational brochure and signed up, which accounts for some of the why I was late getting here (something I will never hear the end of from Mommy, as she's STILL talking about it!).

Anyway, I had some finishin' up to do in the last coupla years, and now I'm doing my internship.  My specialty is going to be Medicinal Laughter.  I'm going to be the kind of doctor that you visit when your funny bone is out of order.  When you can't get a decent belly-laugh going.  When your tickle-box won't flip.

They say that laughter's the best medicine, and it's my aim to be the best practitioner of the best medicine!

I think I'm sitting on my pager again.
An internship at St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital is really hard! For one thing, I write notes in a lot of charts.  A LOT of them.  Lots of little tasks called "scut."  The residents and attendings say we interns learn from scut, but I think it's just work they don't wanna do, so they say 'hey! that intern looks eager!' and they give the scut to us.  Whatever.  Everybody got their dues in life to pay.  At least that's what Aerosmith says.

Another thing I do as an intern at St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital is go on rounds with my resident and whichever attending I'm assigned to that day.  All of us interns follow behind our resident or our attending like a gaggle of geese, and they ask us questions and we answer the questions. We try not to say stupid things in front of the patients!

Friends, I take Funny Medicine very seriously!
Sometimes we get to try our hand at fixing a funny bone or flipping a tickle-box all on our own.  That's the most challenging and rewarding part of being an intern at St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital, Friends.  It's challenging because each patient is unique, and there's no solid set of steps to follow for a successful cure.  Sometimes, our attempts at helping the patient are an abject failure, and we get things like bedpans thrown at our heads.  The patients can be a tough crowd, but I guess you would be, if your funny bone was broken, or if your tickle-box won't flip!  So we hafta remember to be compassionate, no matter how grumpy our patients are!

The thing I stay focused on is that every day I get to help people.  Laughter is a great thing.  And someday, I'll get to be an attending physician at St. Laffalotatus- Mercy-Mercy Hospital, and I'll have a gaggle of interns of my own to fetch me bambinoccinos and lab reports and to write in my charts...

For now, though, I've gotta go.  I'm on-call, and my pager's going crazy.  I'll see ya tomorrow, Friends!  I love ya! Muah!  Gottagobye!

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