
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Livin' La Vida Zoe-B!

To truly live the Zoe-B life, you gotta be willing to dance and dance and dance!
Hiya, Friends!

I know I harp a lot on dancin' on this blog, but it really is an important thing that makes me Me. 

I dance when I'm happy, because I just can't help but get up and move when I'm happy!  I dance when I'm mad, because that works all that energy out.  I dance when I'm feelin' down, because it lifts me up.  I dance when I'm nervous for the same reason. 

I even dance when I hafta go to the potty, because... well, who DOESN'T dance when they hafta go to the potty?!  It's just a Good Thing To Do.  Especially if ya can manage to run to the potty AND dance.

So you see, in order to live La Vida Zoe-B, you've gotta be willing to embrace the whole dance of Life.  That's all there is to it, Friends!  Make up your own dance!  Live your own Vida!

I love the heck right outta ya, and I'll be seein' ya tomorrow.  Until then, Dance!  Muah!

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