
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Idea I Got When I Went On My Field Trip!

I went to the Finger Lakes on a recon mission!
Hiya, Friends!  How's your Whaddaya Know Wednesday going for you?  I'm doin' all right.  I had a great day yesterday!  I went on a field trip!

At first, I thought Mommy was getting me up way too early.  That's just not how we roll in our house, early.  So imagine my shock when I was sound asleep this morning, and all of a sudden, Mommy was standing at my crib telling me to get up and at 'em, that we were goin' on a field trip!

Of course, I had a much shorter bath than I like to have, so all's I could think was 'this better be one heckofa fun field trip!'  You know how much I love my bath, Friends, and you know how much it irritates me when I hafta cut my bath short because we're goin' somewhere, or for whatever reason.  I don't like having my baths cut short!

Anyway, back to my field trip.  When we were pulling out of our driveway, I figured this field trip was gonna be just me and Mommy, and I figured it'd be pretty lame.  I mean, I'm with just Mommy all the time, so I figured we'd just be taking our usual boring show on the road.

It wasn't just me and Mommy, though!  We went to Gramma's, and Gramma, Grampa, Aunt Colleen and Uncle Lorentz went too!  And I rode in the back of a mini-van!  And I got to eat in three restaurants and sit in a big-girl booster seat and eat big-people food and drink out of a cup with a real straw, not my sippy cup!  It was such an exciting day!

It isn't a booster seat, but it'll do, I suppose.
Where'd we go?  Well, we went a lot of places on my field trip.  See, we're going on vacation to a lake house sometime soon, and we wanted to see the place and see what all's around it.  It looks like it's gonna be lotsa fun.

Before we went to look at the lake house, we stopped in at Dr. Frank's.  I don't remember seeing the doctor.  We went into a room that had a chandelier made of little tiny glass grapes, and my Big People got to taste some different wines.  I got to have some fancy crackers and some water.  That's okay.  I don't think the wine woulda been up my alley right now, anyway.

You know what IS up my alley?  You know what would make me go "Oh WOW!!!" if I found out there was sucha thing?  Chocolate Milkeries.  And Chocolate Milk Tastings.  And instead of fancy crackers, the Chocolate Milkeries would have an assortment of little cookies to offer people like me, to chew on between different chocolate milks, to enhance the experience and cleanse the palate.  And then people could mark down the chocolate milk that's their favorite, and buy it in fancy little bottles in the buying room.

I would also sell expertly-packaged little boxes of the cookies sampled in my Chocolate Milkery Tasting Room, because people would take a bite and just love 'em.  They'd be in handmade cardboard boxes, tied up with pretty little ribbons with the name of my Chocolate Milkery stamped on them. 

These cookies would pair nicely with a nice cold dark-chocolate milk!
Well, because you know Dental School isn't gonna pay for itself!  Of course, if I was really good at the Chocolate Milkery, that could be my gig.  But I think you kinda need enough Chocolate Milkeries along a certain way, to get people to come to the chocolate milkery to try stuff and spend their money.  A Chocolate Milkery Trail if you will.  So I'm gonna need to pitch this idea of mine to some of my friends, and see if they wanna start up their own chocolate milkeries.  We'd sort of be in competition with each other, but we'd also be working together, to make each other better and give our tasters a great overall experience.

Boy, that's a great field trip, right there.  Something that educates AND inspires!  I've gotta get out my whiteboard and start workshopping this idea, Friends! I think I'll call my Chocolate Milkery 'How Now Brown Cow Chocolate Milkery.'  The thing I noticed today is that a lotta the wineries have creative names, and I wanna be that kind of Chocolate Milkery.  Well, I'll catchya tomorrow, Friends!  It'll be the Fourth of July!  A Big Day!  You'd better do some restin' up!  I love ya!  Muah!

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