
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Don't Let Your Valentine's Day Mailbox Get Its Head Knocked Off!

Our mailbox got hurt over the weekend.
Hiya, Friends!  Top o' the Tuesday to you!  Well, I'll tell ya what.  Over the weekend, our real-mailbox got its head knocked off by the snowplow.  Imagine my shock and horror when I looked down to the end of the driveway, expecting to see our mailbox standing up like it always does, but instead, I saw its head laying in a snowbank.

It needed a new bracket, and Daddy got it all fixed on Saturday.  I interviewed our mailbox on Sunday, while Daddy and I were sled-riding, and the mailbox said it feels like brand new.  It doesn't have any ill feelings toward the snowplow, because the snowplow just was doin' its job and didn't mean to knock its head off.  It didn't get all dented up or anything, so it was really happy about that.

I am, too!

The whole incident got me to thinking about our Valentine's Day mailboxes. 

Although I don't like to admit it, Valentine's Day mailboxes can also be vulnerable to damage.  Not by snowplows, although, depending on the layout of your office, I s'pose it's possible that the snowplow could knock the head off your Valentine's mailbox, but it's unlikely.

In my office, it's a girl that works at the switchboard that's been going around and knocking the heads off people's Valentine's mailboxes.  We call her Sour Girl, and she lives up to her name.  The other day, she swept through my department and knocked everybody's Valentine's mailboxes to the floor.  Sabretooth caught her before she could crumple up anybody's mailboxes.  He did a spectacular flying-tackle and then escorted Sour Girl out of our department.

Haven't seen her for a coupla days.

Don't let Sour Patch Kids ruin your Valentine's Week, Friends!
But we all gathered up our mailboxes off the floor and worked hard to come up with creative solutions to keep 'em invulnerable to attack by Sour Girl.  Some people weighted their Valentine's mailboxes down with bricks.  I've found that Command Strips work really well for holdin' my mailbox on toppa my desk. 

You can't take any chances when it's prime time for our mailboxes on Friday. 

As for Sour Girl, none of us really wants to be friends with her.  She's really unpleasant, after all.  But we don't wanna go out of our ways to be sour right back to her while we let her know that it's not cool to be so sour. A buncha things were suggested.  A buncha ideas were thrown around.  In the end, we decided we're just gonna go on with our Valentine's Day celebration, despite her.  We're not gonna invite her to it.  But we're not gonna let her ruin our time.  Kinda like the Grinch in that movie, but more sour.   

I don't always know what to do in every situation, Friends.  I don't.  But I DO know that I love ya lots, and I'll be back to check in on ya tomorrow, mmmmkay?  I love ya lots!  Muah!

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