Oh, no. Not this topic of inquiry again. |
Hiya, Friends! How are you doing? I'll tell ya what. Sticky questions are not as much fun as sticky buns. If I had a choice between the two, I'd prefer the sticky buns eleven times out of ten.
What's that? If you have only ten times, you can't choose something eleven times? That's my point.
That's how much I dislike sticky questions. Sticky conversations, really. I just am not a fan.
Yerg. This conversation is like fly-paper... |
Now, sticky buns, I can get behind those, wholeheartedly. I love the soft bread part, and how they're twirled around and around, orbiting around belts of cinnamon and butter and sugar, and then baked to golden deliciousness and glazed with sweet, sweet stickiness.
I don't s'pose this couch could swallow me up any time soon? |
Pretty much any kind of sweet sugariness can be used to make the sticky part of the sticky bun! I've seen brown sugar, I've seen white sugar, and I've seen maple. Caramel, too!
How do you pronounce 'caramel,' anyway, Friends? I've heard people say it's 'CARE-uh-muhl,' I've heard it pronounced 'CAR-uh-muhl,' and the way I like to say it is 'CAR-muhl.' The other ways seem kind of stuck up to me. Pretentious. We ought to just call it 'deeeeeee-licious!' because that's what it is!
It doesn't matter what makes a sticky bun sticky, as long as it's super-sticky.
Don't swallow me up yet, Couch! I have an idea! |
And you know, unlike a sticky question or a sticky conversation, sticky buns are actually GOOD for you! They are! They're made with flour, which is made from grains, and grains are good for you, unless you've got a gluten sensitivity. They've got butter in 'em. Lotsa butter! Butter's made from milk, and milk has calcium in it, so it's good for your bones. So long as you're not lactose intolerant, you're as golden as the butter! Then there's the sugary, sugary sugar in the cinnamon-sugar mixture, and also in the sticky glaze part. Sugar puts a smile on your face, and as long as you aren't diabetic and you brush your teeth after you eat the sticky bun, the sugary part won't hurt you none.
Sticky's good for buns, Friends, but not for conversations! |
What's that? ... Well, yeah, I guess you're right. Sticky buns aren't all that good for a person if they eat 'em all the time. They don't have much to redeem them, nutritionally speaking.
But you know what? I think sticky buns must be good for the
soul. I mean, it's pretty tough to be upset when you're eatin' a sticky bun, isn't it? Or, I guess if you're really upset, the sticky bun could take the edge off your upset. That's got to count for something!
The long and the short of it is this, Friends: 'Sticky' is good for buns, notes, tape, and stickers, but it isn't fun for questions, conversations, or subjects. That's all there is to it. I hope I've helped you today, and also, I hope we all get to enjoy some sticky buns in a little while. This is perfect sticky bun weather. Either way, though, I love ya, and I'll see ya tomorrow, mmmmkay? Muah!
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