
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy, Happy Birthday to you!

Today's my daddy's birthday, so if ya see him, tell him Happy Birthday!

He celebrated his birthday with me in the emergency room at the hospital, on accounta I rode my bike off the couch in the living room while Mommy was makin' supper.  We were in the emergency room for five hours: so long it turned into Daddy's birthday at midnight!  How about that?!

Turns out I broke my arm.  Not awfully.  Just a buckle fracture on my radius.  It slows me down, on accounta it's my right arm. I'm gonna see a specialist about it on Friday.  Until then, I have a cool ice pack from the hospital, and a really neat splint.  I like it a lot.  It's comfy, just like a SWEATER!

Well, anyways, it's a big birthday for my Daddy, and I guess you could say I made it extra-memorable for him.  Doin' things halfway just isn't my patoot!

So Happy Birthday, Daddy!  I love ya lots!

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