
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Show Where Nobody Wore Pants!

I am Zoe-RA! And I'm bringin' Bodysuits-n-BabyLegs back!
Hiya, Friends! Happy Tuesday to you!

Well, ya know, I love vintage television, and one of my recent finds is an animated television show for kids called She-Ra, and by extension, He-Man.  They're pretty much the same show, in that He-Man's always coming over to his sister She-Ra's planet, and they play the same musics on both shows.

The thing that was really striking for me, when I first watched She-Ra and He-Man, is that nobody wears pants!  I mean, Adora, who turns in to She-Ra, wanders around in a bodysuit like I usedta wear.  She's actually one superhero that's more covered up after she makes her transformation!

That's just remarkable!  Mommy told me that once I wasn't a toddler anymore, I'd hafta wear something besides a bodysuit and Babylegs legwarmers when I was out-n-about, but here's this whole entire television show built around a girl who looks like a Barbie doll, who goes around in her everyday life in a bodysuit and boots that look like BabyLegs, and no pants.  Not even a mini-skirt.  Just shows what Mommy doesn't know! 

This tears it, Friends!  You can bet that now that I have this knowledge, I am gonna start re-introducing the Bodysuit-n-BabyLegs look for my goin' out-n-about fashion looks.  If people give me and Mommy any side-eye, I'll say I'm Zoe-Ra, Master of the Universe!

How about that?!

Hey, Friends, I have some bodysuits to dig out from storage, and some pants to hide in storage.  I'll be seein' ya tomorrow!  By the honor of Grayskull, I am Zoe-Ra!

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