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I've got the power! |
So! How's it goin'?
Today, I wanna talk to you about the way a crayon is mightier than a plastic sword. You know why? Because crayons are conduits through which IDEAS flow, that's why. It's true. I get me and idea in my head, pick up the crayon, go to the paper, and there's a magical reaction between the crayon and the paper, and before I even know it, there's my whole dang ol' ideas, right there on the paper in all their waxy glory.
And ya know what happens after that? Well, I'll tell ya. I see those glorious, waxy ideas, and it makes me think of a whole buncha new ideas, and out they come, outta the end of my crayon!
Yep. I can pretty much change the whole world with my crayon. The whole entire world.
What about plastic swords? Yeah, sure, they're sharp and pointy and plastic, and they kinda hurt if ya poke yourself with one, but they're good only for stabbin' through maraschino cherries and olives and appetizers. Big whoopidee-dee-ding.
I'll take a crayon, any day. How about that?!
And as I have one, I have some ideas to render in glorious colorful wax. I'd better get crackalackin'. I love ya lots, Big People, and I'll see ya tomorrow! Muah!
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