See? I have this milk belly. |
Hiya, Friends! Zoe here. Hey, I need to talk about something that's been bugging me for a little while. It really has me at my wits' end. You see, I have a milk belly. Take a look at me in that picture over there on the left. As far as milk bellies go, you have your half-pints, your quarts... your gallons. Errrrrrrm. I think from the looks of me, I'm working on the gallon.
Mommy's no help. I mentioned it to her the other day, this milk belly thing, and asked her which Cathe videos I should do to work on my milk belly, and all she did was zerbert me on the belly and tell me I'm cute the way I am. Do you have any idea how mad that made me, Big People? I'll clue you. It made me really mad. Really, really mad. It's heck, not being taken seriously when you're really serious about something, and I'm really serious about doing something about my milk belly.
I don't mean to draw comparisons, but Gremlin Man and I could compare milk bellies if we wanted to. |
I'm at a real loss, here, Friends! The best I can come up with is to dress up like Gremlin Man and tell people I'm the mascot for the the Second Coming of the Gremlin. Mommy has a Gremlin, and I've always liked that friendly little Gremlin Man. It's just, I think it's possible to really like somebody or something, and not feel compelled to sport a milk belly like theirs. I wonder though, would Gremlin Man's belly be from milk? Do Gremlins drink milk? I really don't know. I'd like to meet Gremlin Man sometime, so I can ask him, but I'd have to figure out a way to ask, so as not to be uncouth. That's a puzzler, how to do that particular feat, Friends. I mean, I could ask him if he likes to drink a lot of milk like I do, and if he says either yes or no then asks me why, don't you think that'd be awkward? The truth would be because I was wondering how he got his milk belly, but that might upset him. I wouldn't want to upset Gremlin Man. Of course, maybe he isn't as sensitive about his milk belly as I am about mine.
My friend Nora always helps me feel better about things! |
That makes me think of my friend Nora the Little Giraffe, that lives at the Arnot Mall in the Hallmark store. Remember her from a couple weeks ago? She spoke at a Little Giraffe Symposium I went to, and she talked about how we shouldn't feel bad about our necks. I thought she was inspiring at the time, because, hey, I don't feel at all bad about my neck, and I think Little Giraffes have really nice necks, but Penelope and Sophie told me that as giraffes, they can be a little sensitive about their necks, so it really meant a lot to them to hear Nora say they shouldn't be sensitive or feel bad about their necks. Well, I wonder then, if my milk belly is my neck that I shouldn't feel bad about. I don't mean that my neck is in my belly! That'd be sort of too bad, wouldn't it?
What I mean is, everybody's got something that bugs them about themselves. For the Little Giraffes, it's their necks, and for me it's my milk belly, and if Nora and the other Little Giraffes can get over being bugged by their necks, why, I ought to be able to make peace with my milk belly! Now Nora's even more inspiring to me! I get it now, Nora! I get it!
Well, there you go, Friends! I'm not going to feel bad about my milk belly anymore! And if I ever meet Gremlin Man, I won't ask him if his belly is from milk! I won't! It's not any of my business! How about that?!
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