Wish this was full of milkshake! |
It's a megaphone! |
I recently came into the possession of a few large plastic tumblers, Friends, and I've got to say, they're pretty much one of the best things ever, collectively. I can do so many things with them. I can stack them, I can roll them, I can fill 'em up with some of my little toys. Sophie the Giraffe is talking about wearing one for Halloween, and being a Little Giraffe Dressed Up As A Big Plastic Cup. I thought that was clever.
I'm dressing up in my costume from last year and being a pig again, on actual Halloween.
Back to my big plastic tumblers, though. I think they'll be pretty fun to use in the pool. They look like they'd be good to scoop up water with. Or maybe if I could get a sandbox. I'd like to pretend I'm on the beach, and I've mentioned I'd like a sandbox, and these plastic tumblers would be great playing in a sandbox, but as you know, I've been asking for a water cooler and disco ball for months now, and not seen hide nor hair of either, so getting a sandbox is probably a longshot, too. But a girl can dream, and I'm all about dreaming dreams!
This playpen would be way better as a sandbox! |
I guess someday, I'm going to be drinking things like water and milk and other beverages out of cups like this, without any straws, even! That's really crazy for me to think about, since my whole life, I've always had a bottle, or a cup with a spout, or my straw-cups. It'll seem weird just drinking out of the cup all by itself. I'll admit, I'm kind of nervous about it. I don't want to spill my drink all down the front of me and have people wonder if I'm a baby or extremely uncoordinated or something!
Turquoise Plastic Cup, I'm glad I picked you up! |
But I think I have a long time before I have to think about not using a straw, don't I, Big People? I think so. So until then, I'll just enjoy playing with my Turquoise Plastic Cup, and stacking them, and rolling them, and listening to the sound it makes when I throw it on the floor. I'll have fun seeing Sophie the Little Giraffe dress up like a Big Plastic Cup for Halloween, and I won't worry about the day when I have to drink out of a cup without a lid or spout or straw! There's just no point, worrying, is there?
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